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Reporting tool towards the Aichi targets and the EU Strategy


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Target Cross Linking Tool (TCT)

The project name is Target Cross Linking Tool, a platform for organizing the implementation of a country's national biodiversity strategy after AICHI (and by case after EU Strategy).

It consists of two panels each corresponding an operation: viewing and editing. The first panel allows anyone to overview the aichi goals, targets and indicators along with national strategy mappings (the way a country develops its own strategy in terms of objectives and actions) and its implementation.

The second panel(Admin), authentication-available only, allows an user to actually define the national strategy. (e.g. add/modify/delete an objective, action or even elements from AICHI) in the purpose of building it.

Travis Coverage Docker


Installing the application

  1. Get the source code:

     $ git clone
     $ cd eea.docker.tct
  2. Customize env files:

     $ cp docker/postgres.env.example docker/postgres.env
     $ vim docker/postgres.env
     $ cp docker/demo.env.example docker/demo.env
     $ vim docker/demo.env
     $ cp docker/init.sql.example docker/init.sql
     $ vim docker/init.sql
  3. Start application stack:

     $ docker-compose up -d
     $ docker-compose logs
  4. Create a superuser:

     $ docker exec -it sh
     $ ./ createsuperuser
  5. Run tests:

     $ docker exec -it sh
     # apk add --no-cache libxslt-dev libffi-dev
     # pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
     $ ./ test
  6. See it in action: http://localhost:8000

Upgrading the application

  1. Get the latest version of source code:

     $ cd eea.docker.tct
     $ git pull origin master
  2. Update the application stack, all services should be "Up":

     $ docker-compose up -d
     $ docker-compose ps
  3. See it in action: http://localhost:8000

Development instructions

  1. Customize docker orchestration for local development:

     $ cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml

By default, it replaces nginx service with a dummy container, builds a local image for app service and maps the project directory inside the app container.

You can add a fixed port number instead the floating one by specifying it under the ports directive (e.g. "8000:80" instead of "80").

Make sure the database user and password from demo.env is matching the ones from init.sql file.

  1. Start stack, all services should be "Up" :

     $ docker-compose up -d
     $ docker-compose ps
  • Check application logs:

      $ docker-compose logs
  • When the image is modified you should update the stack:

      $ docker-compose down -v #optional step for droping all containers and volumes
      $ docker-compose up -d --build


  • Please make sure that DEBUG=True in demo.env file.

  • Update docker-compose.override.yml file app section with the following so that is not executed:

      entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
  • Attach to docker container and start the server in debug mode:

      $ docker exec -it sh
      # ./ runserver
  • See it in action: http://localhost:8000

LDAP integration

Set ALLOWED_USERS in settings to restrict access to a specific set of usernames.

Set AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI and AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE from for LDAP Authentication configuration. Add 'django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend' value in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.


  1. Manual translation.
  • Run over the entire source tree and pull out all strings marked for translation, add/edit/delete translations for each file in tct/locale/[LANGUAGE]/LC_MESSAGE/django.po, compile the po files and restart the server:

      $ docker exec -it sh
      # cd tct
      # makemessages -a
      # compilemessages
      $ docker-compose restart demo
  1. Automatic translation
  • Translate the messages using the Rosetta tool for translation (http://localhost:8000/translate) and restart the server when ready:

      $ docker-compose restart app