The game is a snake game prepared with OpenGL. OpenGL has been used with C and C++ Programming Languages.
IDE: Visual Studio 2019
OpenGL Installation: To use OpenGL, copy the following paths from the glut-3.7.6-bin folder.
glut32.lib --> $(MSDevDir)....\VisualStudio\lib
glut.h --> $(MSDevDir)....\VisualStudio\include
The output of the game is shown in the SnakeGame.png image.
Game Controls:
Arrow Keys: Move the snake.
'a': Increases the game's field of view along the x-axis.
'A': Decreases the game's field of view along the x-axis.
's': Increases the game's field of view along the y-axis.
'S': Decreases the game's field of view along the y-axis.
'd': Increases the game's field of view along the z-axis.
'f': Increases the size of the snake.
'F': Decreases the size of the snake.
'g': Zoom in the game's field of view.
'G': Zoom out the game's field of view.
'e': Restart the game.
'ESC': Close the game.