A collection of WP-CLI helpers for our team's development workflow.
Important: These are extremely opinionated to match our development preferences and may not be useful to others. Functionality may also change unexpectedly as our workflows evolve.
- A global copy of WP-CLI
To install the package run the following command:
wp package install eighteen73/wp-cli-tools
You should ensure that you are running the latest copy of this package, especially before setting up new websites.
To update the package run the following command:
wp package update
Available commands are listed below. Generally they are designed for use on our Nebula websites unless stated otherwise. For full usage instructions please refer to the package docs.
- Create new websitesync
- Import the remote website's databasefirst-sync
- Initialise a local website using a remote databasestyle-guide
- Add predetermined pages of content for visual checks and sign-off
There is also a special command that may be run on a live website. It does require this package to be available in the remote environment though.
- Runs useful post-launch operations on a website to prevent some common gotchas
For development, you'll probably want to run a local clone of this package.
wp package uninstall eighteen73/wp-cli-tools
wp package install /local/path/to/wp-cli-tools