Popular Movies app written for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Program
The app shows the most popular movies playing. The movies are sorted either by most popular, highest-rated, upcoming or favourite. Details of each movie is displayed when user tap on a movie poster. User can play and share trailer in youtube app or web browser. User can mark movie as favourite by tapping on heart button and details of marked movie are stored in database
- Android Studio 3.1.3
- Build Tools Version 27.1.0
- Minimum Android Version: 15
To run the app, please login to TheMovieDB website and request an API key. Replace the text "[YOUR_API_KEY]" with your API key in "gradle.properties" file. Then build and run the file in your mobile device or emulator.
Home screen. Movies list are sorted either by most popular, highest-rated, upcoming or favourite.
Detail screen.
User can view and share video
User can mark or unmark a movie as favourite
If there is a bug or feature request, please open an issue.