A smart cell for Elixir Livebook that allows you to sonify your code. Set sound notifications for your errors, crashes, and successful evaluations. Or, make music.
In the Notebook dependencies and setup cell at the top of your livebook, install using:
Mix.install([{:kino_sound, git: "git://github.com/einariii/kino_sound.git", branch: "main"}])
Mix.install([{:kino_sound, path: "."}])
if you have cloned the project locally.
In any subsequent cell, choose "Smart Sounds" from the + Smart
dropdown menu. Instructions for use are given in the smart cell itself.
A demo performance titled kino_sound_demo.exs is available in the project directory. Copy the code into a Livebook cell and evaluate to hear.
All sounds created with Elixir code using Pipesines. Feel free to insert your own sounds by adding them to assets/samples and modifying assets/main.js accordingly.