Visit BarCard here and download their app here!
Created to impress a company to so they'll hire me hahah
This project tested my mobile development and JavaScript skills. Built with React-Native, this app pulls data with Apollo GraphQL and displays information on various restaurants, clubs, and lounges from NYC. It has aesthetically pleasing photos of said venues displayed on the screen that, upon tapping a card, takes you to a details page on that locale.
Follow these steps to set up the environment (using the terminal):
Install NVM (Node Version Manager) with
curl -o- | bash
. -
nvm install node
to install the latest version of node. -
You must have the expo-cli to run this project. So run the command
npm install -g expo-cli
. -
Now, if you want to run on an iphone emulator, an easy way to download it is to download XCode if you have a Mac. If you want to run on an android emulator, the process is a bit longer but you'll just have to download Android Studio and download an emulator from within there. If you choose to run and test on your mobile device, install the Expo app from your Google play store or Apple App store.
Optional but, also, install yarn to be able to access docz documentation.
Create a folder to clone this repo to and cd
into it. Run these commands on your terminal:
git clone ""
cd BarCard-Clone
expo start
Now, depending on the emulator you want to to use, in the terminal press 1 of 3 options:
to run on an iphone emulator you've installed on your PC -
if you have an android emulator installed on your PC -
to send a link to your phone via email or text
To run docz documentation, run this command:
yarn docz dev
Bottom Tab not working properly. Home button does not respond. TODO: Look into react-navigation documentation.
Docz's PropTable does not display the props. TODO: Utilize Query component from 'react-apollo' instead of HoC.