Part I Fundamentals of Compilation
1 Introduction
1.1 Modules and interfaces
1.2 Tools and software
1.3 Data structures of tree languages
2 Lexical Analysis
2.1 Lexical tokens
2.2 Regular expressions
2.3 Finite automata
2.4 Nondeterministic finite automata
2.5 Lex: a lexical analyzer generator
3 Parsing
3.1 Context-free grammars
3.2 Predictive parsing
3.3 LR parsing
3.4 Using parser generators
3.5 Error recovery
4 Abstract Syntax
5 Semantic Analysis
6 Activation Records
7 Translation to intermediate Code
8 Basic Blocks and Traces
9 Instrction Selection
10 Liveness Analysis
11 Register Allocation
12 Putting it all Together
3.1 Context-free grammars
3.2 Predictive parsing
Part II Advanced Topics
13 Garbage Collection
14 Object-Oriented Languages
15 Functional Programming Languages
16 Polymorphic Types
17 Dataflow Analysis
18 Loop Optimizations
19 Static Single-Assignment Form
20 Pipelining and Scheduling
21 The Memory Hierarchy
Appendix: Tiger Language Reference Manual