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Merge pull request #987 from yairchu/lenses-using-rec-syntax
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Generate lenses using record syntax (#986)
  • Loading branch information
ekmett authored Jul 6, 2023
2 parents f518d33 + 0cf6148 commit 25b8df2
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Showing 5 changed files with 125 additions and 34 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lens.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ test-suite templates
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: templates.hs
Expand Down
84 changes: 50 additions & 34 deletions src/Control/Lens/Internal/FieldTH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,6 +39,7 @@ import Prelude ()

import Control.Lens.At
import Control.Lens.Fold
import Control.Lens.Indexed
import Control.Lens.Internal.TH
import Control.Lens.Internal.Prelude
import Control.Lens.Lens
Expand All @@ -50,7 +56,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype as D
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.TyVarBndr as D
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,isJust,maybeToList)
import Data.List (nub, findIndices)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Semigroup (Any (..))
import Data.Set.Lens
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ makeFieldOpticsForDatatype rules info =
fieldCons <- traverse normalizeConstructor cons
let allFields = toListOf (folded . _2 . folded . _1 . folded) fieldCons
let defCons = over normFieldLabels (expandName allFields) fieldCons
allDefs = setOf (normFieldLabels . folded) defCons
allDefs = setOf (normFieldLabels . folded . _1) defCons
T.sequenceA (Map.fromSet (buildScaffold rules s defCons) allDefs)

let defs = Map.toList perDef
Expand All @@ -104,8 +110,8 @@ makeFieldOpticsForDatatype rules info =
normFieldLabels = traverse . _2 . traverse . _1

-- Map a (possibly missing) field's name to zero-to-many optic definitions
expandName :: [Name] -> Maybe Name -> [DefName]
expandName allFields = concatMap (_fieldToDef rules tyName allFields) . maybeToList
expandName :: [Name] -> Maybe Name -> [(DefName, Maybe Name)]
expandName allFields mName = (\x -> (x, mName)) <$> (maybeToList mName >>= _fieldToDef rules tyName allFields)

-- | Normalized the Con type into a uniform positional representation,
-- eliminating the variance between records, infix constructors, and normal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,15 +147,15 @@ data OpticType = GetterType | LensType | IsoType
-- type of clauses to generate and the type to annotate the declaration
-- with.
buildScaffold ::
LensRules ->
Type {- ^ outer type -} ->
[(Name, [([DefName], Type)])] {- ^ normalized constructors -} ->
DefName {- ^ target definition -} ->
Q (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])])
LensRules ->
Type {- ^ outer type -} ->
[(Name, [([(DefName, Maybe Name)], Type)])] {- ^ normalized constructors -} ->
DefName {- ^ target definition -} ->
Q (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])])
{- ^ optic type, definition type, field count, target fields -}
buildScaffold rules s cons defName =

do (s',t,a,b) <- buildStab s (concatMap snd consForDef)
do (s',t,a,b) <- buildStab s (concatMap snd (consForDef <&> _2 . mapped . _Right %~ snd))

let defType
| Just (_,cx,a') <- preview _ForallT a =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,29 +190,27 @@ buildScaffold rules s cons defName =

return (opticType, defType, scaffolds)
consForDef :: [(Name, [Either Type Type])]
consForDef :: [(Name, [Either Type (Maybe Name, Type)])]
consForDef = over (mapped . _2 . mapped) categorize cons

scaffolds :: [(Name, Int, [Int])]
scaffolds = [ (n, length ts, rightIndices ts) | (n,ts) <- consForDef ]

rightIndices :: [Either Type Type] -> [Int]
rightIndices = findIndices (has _Right)
scaffolds :: [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])]
scaffolds = [ (n, length ts, (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) <$> ts ^@.. folded <. _Right . _1) | (n,ts) <- consForDef ]

-- Right: types for this definition
-- Left : other types
categorize :: ([DefName], Type) -> Either Type Type
categorize (defNames, t)
| defName `elem` defNames = Right t
| otherwise = Left t
categorize :: ([(DefName, Maybe Name)], Type) -> Either Type (Maybe Name, Type)
categorize (defNames, t) =
case lookup defName defNames of
Just c -> Right (c, t)
Nothing -> Left t

lensCase :: Bool
lensCase = all (\x -> lengthOf (_2 . folded . _Right) x == 1) consForDef

isoCase :: Bool
isoCase = case scaffolds of
[(_,1,[0])] -> True
_ -> False
[(_,1,[(_, 0)])] -> True
_ -> False

data OpticStab = OpticStab Name Type Type Type Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,7 +305,7 @@ buildStab s categorizedFields =
-- used to enable the resulting lenses to be used on a bottom value.
makeFieldOptic ::
LensRules ->
(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])])) ->
(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])])) ->
HasFieldClasses [Dec]
makeFieldOptic rules (defName, (opticType, defType, cons)) = do
locals <- get
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ makeClassyDriver ::
Name ->
Name ->
Type {- ^ Outer 's' type -} ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])]))] ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])]))] ->
HasFieldClasses [Dec]
makeClassyDriver rules className methodName s defs = T.sequenceA (cls ++ inst)

Expand All @@ -357,7 +361,7 @@ makeClassyClass ::
Name ->
Name ->
Type {- ^ Outer 's' type -} ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])]))] ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])]))] ->
makeClassyClass className methodName s defs = do
let ss = map (stabToS . view (_2 . _2)) defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,7 +394,7 @@ makeClassyInstance ::
Name ->
Name ->
Type {- ^ Outer 's' type -} ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])]))] ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])]))] ->
HasFieldClasses Dec
makeClassyInstance rules className methodName s defs = do
methodss <- traverse (makeFieldOptic rules') defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,20 +469,21 @@ makeFieldInstance defType className decs =

makeFieldClauses :: LensRules -> OpticType -> [(Name, Int, [Int])] -> [ClauseQ]
makeFieldClauses :: LensRules -> OpticType -> [(Name, Int, [(Maybe Name, Int)])] -> [ClauseQ]
makeFieldClauses rules opticType cons =
case opticType of

IsoType -> [ makeIsoClause conName | (conName, _, _) <- cons ]

GetterType -> [ makeGetterClause conName fieldCount fields
GetterType -> [ makeGetterClause conName fieldCount (snd <$> fields)
| (conName, fieldCount, fields) <- cons ]

LensType -> [ makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount fields irref
LensType -> [ makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount fields irref recSyn
| (conName, fieldCount, fields) <- cons ]
irref = _lazyPatterns rules
&& length cons == 1
recSyn = _recordSyntax rules && length cons == 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,15 +525,25 @@ makeGetterClause conName fieldCount fields =
-- | Build a clause that updates the field at the given indexes
-- When irref is 'True' the value with me matched with an irrefutable
-- pattern. This is suitable for Lens and Traversal construction
makeFieldOpticClause :: Name -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool -> ClauseQ
makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount [] _ =
makeFieldOpticClause :: Name -> Int -> [(Maybe Name, Int)] -> Bool -> Bool -> ClauseQ
makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount [] _ _ =
makePureClause conName fieldCount
makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount (field:fields) irref =
makeFieldOpticClause _ _ [(Just fieldName, _)] _ True =
do f <- newName "f"
r <- newName "r"
x <- newName "x"
let body = appsE [ [| fmap |]
, lamE [varP x] (recUpdE (varE r) [(,) fieldName <$> varE x])
, varE f `appE` (varE fieldName `appE` varE r)
clause [varP f, varP r] (normalB body) []
makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount ((_, field):fieldsWithNames) irref _ =
do f <- newName "f"
xs <- newNames "x" fieldCount
ys <- newNames "y" (1 + length fields)
ys <- newNames "y" (1 + length fieldsWithNames)

let xs' = foldr (\(i,x) -> set (ix i) x) xs (zip (field:fields) ys)
let fields = snd <$> fieldsWithNames
xs' = foldr (\(i,x) -> set (ix i) x) xs (zip (field:fields) ys)

mkFx i = appE (varE f) (varE (xs !! i))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,6 +649,7 @@ data LensRules = LensRules
, _allowIsos :: Bool
, _allowUpdates :: Bool -- ^ Allow Lens/Traversal (otherwise Getter/Fold)
, _lazyPatterns :: Bool
, _recordSyntax :: Bool
, _fieldToDef :: FieldNamer
-- ^ Type Name -> Field Names -> Target Field Name -> Definition Names
, _classyLenses :: ClassyNamer
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Control/Lens/TH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ module Control.Lens.TH
, generateSignatures
, generateUpdateableOptics
, generateLazyPatterns
, generateRecordSyntax
-- ** FieldNamers
, underscoreNoPrefixNamer
, lookingupNamer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +161,10 @@ generateLazyPatterns :: Lens' LensRules Bool
generateLazyPatterns f r =
fmap (\x -> r { _lazyPatterns = x}) (f (_lazyPatterns r))

generateRecordSyntax :: Lens' LensRules Bool
generateRecordSyntax f r =
fmap (\x -> r {_recordSyntax = x}) (f (_recordSyntax r))

-- | Create the class if the constructor is 'Control.Lens.Type.Simple' and the
-- 'lensClass' rule matches.
createClass :: Lens' LensRules Bool
Expand All @@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ lensRules = LensRules
, _allowIsos = True
, _allowUpdates = True
, _lazyPatterns = False
, _recordSyntax = False
, _classyLenses = const Nothing
, _fieldToDef = underscoreNoPrefixNamer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,6 +232,7 @@ classyRules = LensRules
, _allowIsos = False -- generating Isos would hinder "subtyping"
, _allowUpdates = True
, _lazyPatterns = False
, _recordSyntax = False
, _classyLenses = \n ->
case nameBase n of
x:xs -> Just (mkName ("Has" ++ x:xs), mkName (toLower x:xs))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,6 +752,7 @@ defaultFieldRules = LensRules
, _allowIsos = False -- generating Isos would hinder field class reuse
, _allowUpdates = True
, _lazyPatterns = False
, _recordSyntax = False
, _classyLenses = const Nothing
, _fieldToDef = camelCaseNamer
Expand Down
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions tests/BigRecord.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module BigRecord where

import Control.Lens

data Big = Big
{ _a0 :: Int , _a1 :: Int , _a2 :: Int , _a3 :: Int , _a4 :: Int , _a5 :: Int , _a6 :: Int , _a7 :: Int
, _a8 :: Int , _a9 :: Int , _a10 :: Int , _a11 :: Int , _a12 :: Int , _a13 :: Int , _a14 :: Int , _a15 :: Int
, _a16 :: Int , _a17 :: Int , _a18 :: Int , _a19 :: Int , _a20 :: Int , _a21 :: Int , _a22 :: Int , _a23 :: Int
, _a24 :: Int , _a25 :: Int , _a26 :: Int , _a27 :: Int , _a28 :: Int , _a29 :: Int , _a30 :: Int , _a31 :: Int
, _a32 :: Int , _a33 :: Int , _a34 :: Int , _a35 :: Int , _a36 :: Int , _a37 :: Int , _a38 :: Int , _a39 :: Int
, _a40 :: Int , _a41 :: Int , _a42 :: Int , _a43 :: Int , _a44 :: Int , _a45 :: Int , _a46 :: Int , _a47 :: Int
, _a48 :: Int , _a49 :: Int , _a50 :: Int , _a51 :: Int , _a52 :: Int , _a53 :: Int , _a54 :: Int , _a55 :: Int
, _a56 :: Int , _a57 :: Int , _a58 :: Int , _a59 :: Int , _a60 :: Int , _a61 :: Int , _a62 :: Int , _a63 :: Int
, _a64 :: Int , _a65 :: Int , _a66 :: Int , _a67 :: Int , _a68 :: Int , _a69 :: Int , _a70 :: Int , _a71 :: Int
, _a72 :: Int , _a73 :: Int , _a74 :: Int , _a75 :: Int , _a76 :: Int , _a77 :: Int , _a78 :: Int , _a79 :: Int
, _a80 :: Int , _a81 :: Int , _a82 :: Int , _a83 :: Int , _a84 :: Int , _a85 :: Int , _a86 :: Int , _a87 :: Int
, _a88 :: Int , _a89 :: Int , _a90 :: Int , _a91 :: Int , _a92 :: Int , _a93 :: Int , _a94 :: Int , _a95 :: Int
, _a96 :: Int , _a97 :: Int , _a98 :: Int , _a99 :: Int

data Bigger = Bigger
{ _b0 :: Int , _b1 :: Int , _b2 :: Int , _b3 :: Int , _b4 :: Int , _b5 :: Int , _b6 :: Int , _b7 :: Int
, _b8 :: Int , _b9 :: Int , _b10 :: Int , _b11 :: Int , _b12 :: Int , _b13 :: Int , _b14 :: Int , _b15 :: Int
, _b16 :: Int , _b17 :: Int , _b18 :: Int , _b19 :: Int , _b20 :: Int , _b21 :: Int , _b22 :: Int , _b23 :: Int
, _b24 :: Int , _b25 :: Int , _b26 :: Int , _b27 :: Int , _b28 :: Int , _b29 :: Int , _b30 :: Int , _b31 :: Int
, _b32 :: Int , _b33 :: Int , _b34 :: Int , _b35 :: Int , _b36 :: Int , _b37 :: Int , _b38 :: Int , _b39 :: Int
, _b40 :: Int , _b41 :: Int , _b42 :: Int , _b43 :: Int , _b44 :: Int , _b45 :: Int , _b46 :: Int , _b47 :: Int
, _b48 :: Int , _b49 :: Int , _b50 :: Int , _b51 :: Int , _b52 :: Int , _b53 :: Int , _b54 :: Int , _b55 :: Int
, _b56 :: Int , _b57 :: Int , _b58 :: Int , _b59 :: Int , _b60 :: Int , _b61 :: Int , _b62 :: Int , _b63 :: Int
, _b64 :: Int , _b65 :: Int , _b66 :: Int , _b67 :: Int , _b68 :: Int , _b69 :: Int , _b70 :: Int , _b71 :: Int
, _b72 :: Int , _b73 :: Int , _b74 :: Int , _b75 :: Int , _b76 :: Int , _b77 :: Int , _b78 :: Int , _b79 :: Int
, _b80 :: Int , _b81 :: Int , _b82 :: Int , _b83 :: Int , _b84 :: Int , _b85 :: Int , _b86 :: Int , _b87 :: Int
, _b88 :: Int , _b89 :: Int , _b90 :: Int , _b91 :: Int , _b92 :: Int , _b93 :: Int , _b94 :: Int , _b95 :: Int
, _b96 :: Int , _b97 :: Int , _b98 :: Int , _b99 :: Int , _b100 :: Int , _b101 :: Int , _b102 :: Int , _b103 :: Int
, _b104 :: Int , _b105 :: Int , _b106 :: Int , _b107 :: Int , _b108 :: Int , _b109 :: Int , _b110 :: Int , _b111 :: Int
, _b112 :: Int , _b113 :: Int , _b114 :: Int , _b115 :: Int , _b116 :: Int , _b117 :: Int , _b118 :: Int , _b119 :: Int
, _b120 :: Int , _b121 :: Int , _b122 :: Int , _b123 :: Int , _b124 :: Int , _b125 :: Int , _b126 :: Int , _b127 :: Int
, _b128 :: Int , _b129 :: Int , _b130 :: Int , _b131 :: Int , _b132 :: Int , _b133 :: Int , _b134 :: Int , _b135 :: Int
, _b136 :: Int , _b137 :: Int , _b138 :: Int , _b139 :: Int , _b140 :: Int , _b141 :: Int , _b142 :: Int , _b143 :: Int
, _b144 :: Int , _b145 :: Int , _b146 :: Int , _b147 :: Int , _b148 :: Int , _b149 :: Int , _b150 :: Int , _b151 :: Int
, _b152 :: Int , _b153 :: Int , _b154 :: Int , _b155 :: Int , _b156 :: Int , _b157 :: Int , _b158 :: Int , _b159 :: Int
, _b160 :: Int , _b161 :: Int , _b162 :: Int , _b163 :: Int , _b164 :: Int , _b165 :: Int , _b166 :: Int , _b167 :: Int
, _b168 :: Int , _b169 :: Int , _b170 :: Int , _b171 :: Int , _b172 :: Int , _b173 :: Int , _b174 :: Int , _b175 :: Int
, _b176 :: Int , _b177 :: Int , _b178 :: Int , _b179 :: Int , _b180 :: Int , _b181 :: Int , _b182 :: Int , _b183 :: Int
, _b184 :: Int , _b185 :: Int , _b186 :: Int , _b187 :: Int , _b188 :: Int , _b189 :: Int , _b190 :: Int , _b191 :: Int
, _b192 :: Int , _b193 :: Int , _b194 :: Int , _b195 :: Int , _b196 :: Int , _b197 :: Int , _b198 :: Int , _b199 :: Int
, _b200 :: Int , _b201 :: Int , _b202 :: Int , _b203 :: Int , _b204 :: Int , _b205 :: Int , _b206 :: Int , _b207 :: Int
, _b208 :: Int , _b209 :: Int , _b210 :: Int , _b211 :: Int , _b212 :: Int , _b213 :: Int , _b214 :: Int , _b215 :: Int
, _b216 :: Int , _b217 :: Int , _b218 :: Int , _b219 :: Int , _b220 :: Int , _b221 :: Int , _b222 :: Int , _b223 :: Int
, _b224 :: Int , _b225 :: Int , _b226 :: Int , _b227 :: Int , _b228 :: Int , _b229 :: Int , _b230 :: Int , _b231 :: Int
, _b232 :: Int , _b233 :: Int , _b234 :: Int , _b235 :: Int , _b236 :: Int , _b237 :: Int , _b238 :: Int , _b239 :: Int
, _b240 :: Int , _b241 :: Int , _b242 :: Int , _b243 :: Int , _b244 :: Int , _b245 :: Int , _b246 :: Int , _b247 :: Int
, _b248 :: Int , _b249 :: Int , _b250 :: Int , _b251 :: Int , _b252 :: Int , _b253 :: Int , _b254 :: Int , _b255 :: Int
, _b256 :: Int , _b257 :: Int , _b258 :: Int , _b259 :: Int , _b260 :: Int , _b261 :: Int , _b262 :: Int , _b263 :: Int
, _b264 :: Int , _b265 :: Int , _b266 :: Int , _b267 :: Int , _b268 :: Int , _b269 :: Int , _b270 :: Int , _b271 :: Int
, _b272 :: Int , _b273 :: Int , _b274 :: Int , _b275 :: Int , _b276 :: Int , _b277 :: Int , _b278 :: Int , _b279 :: Int
, _b280 :: Int , _b281 :: Int , _b282 :: Int , _b283 :: Int , _b284 :: Int , _b285 :: Int , _b286 :: Int , _b287 :: Int
, _b288 :: Int , _b289 :: Int , _b290 :: Int , _b291 :: Int , _b292 :: Int , _b293 :: Int , _b294 :: Int , _b295 :: Int
, _b296 :: Int , _b297 :: Int , _b298 :: Int , _b299 :: Int

makeLensesWith (lensRules & generateRecordSyntax .~ True) ''Big
makeLensesWith (lensRules & generateRecordSyntax .~ True) ''Bigger
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/templates.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module Main where

import Control.Lens
-- import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheck)
import BigRecord ()
import T799 ()
import T917 ()
import T972 ()
Expand Down

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