Javascript client library for the lexoffice Public API.
β non throwing
- βοΈ Installation
- π Documentation
- π Usage
- π‘ Examples
- β Error handling
- π Provided methods grouped by endpoint
- π Side notes
npm install @elbstack/lexoffice-client-js
yarn add @elbstack/lexoffice-client-js
You can find the official lexoffice API documentation here.
To get your API Key, you must already be a lexoffice user. Get it here.
import { Client } from '@elbstack/lexoffice-client-js';
const client = new Client(YOUR_LEXOFFICE_API_KEY);
All functions are promise based. These promises are formatted by the ts-results package, for extended error handling see Error handling.
const invoiceResult = await client.retrieveInvoice('caf4e0c3-c3e8-4a06-bcfe-346bc7190b2');
if (invoiceResult.ok) {
const invoice = invoiceResult.val;
} else {
console.error('An error occured');
const invoice = {
voucherDate: '2017-02-22T00:00:00.000+01:00',
address: {
name: 'Bike & Ride GmbH & Co. KG',
supplement: 'GebΓ€ude 10',
street: 'MusterstraΓe 42',
city: 'Freiburg',
zip: '79112',
countryCode: 'DE',
lineItems: [
type: 'custom',
name: 'Energieriegel Testpaket',
quantity: 1,
unitName: 'StΓΌck',
unitPrice: {
currency: 'EUR',
netAmount: 5,
taxRatePercentage: 0,
discountPercentage: 0,
type: 'text',
name: 'Strukturieren Sie Ihre Belege durch Text-Elemente.',
description: 'Das hilft beim VerstΓ€ndnis',
totalPrice: {
currency: 'EUR',
taxConditions: {
taxType: 'net',
shippingConditions: {
shippingDate: '2017-04-22T00:00:00.000+02:00',
shippingType: 'delivery',
title: 'Rechnung',
introduction: 'Ihre bestellten Positionen stellen wir Ihnen hiermit in Rechnung',
remark: 'Vielen Dank fΓΌr Ihren Einkauf',
const createdInvoiceResult = await client.createInvoice(invoice, { finalize: true });
if (createdInvoiceResult.ok) {
const invoice = createdInvoiceResult.val;
} else {
console.error('An error occured');
let fs = require('fs');
let FormData = require('form-data');
let data = new FormData();
data.append('file', fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/yourFolder/yourFile'));
data.append('type', 'voucher');
const uploadedFileResult = await client.uploadFile(data);
if (uploadedFileResult.ok) {
const invoice = uploadedFileResult.val;
} else {
console.error('An error occured');
As mentioned above, the returned promises are formatted by ts-results which is a typescript implementation of Rust's Result and Option objects. It brings compile-time error checking and optional values to typescript. All errors are instances of type RequestError. If you want to use the advantages of ts-results, all client responses should be processed similar to the following:
if (YOUR_RESULT.ok) {
// Work with your result
} else {
// Your request returned an error
const error = YOUR_RESULT.val;
console.log('error:', error);
// Further error checking is possible by
if (error instanceof RequestError) {
console.log('Hello instance of RequestError!');
if (error instanceof RequestNotFoundError) {
console.log('Wow, it looks like you have many instances!');
if (error instanceof RequestMethodNotAcceptableLegacyError) {
console.log('Seems, that you take care of your legacy!');
createContact(contact: ContactCreatePerson | ContactCreateCompany): Promise<Result<ContactCreateResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveContact(id: string): Promise<Result<ContactRetrieveResponse, RequestError>>
updateContact(id: string, contact: ContactUpdatePerson | ContactUpdateCompany): Promise<Result<ContactUpdateResponse, RequestError>>
filterContact(filter?: OptionalFilters & Partial<PagingParameters>): Promise<Result<ContactFilterRetrieveResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveListOfCountries(): Promise<Result<Country[], RequestError>>
createCreditNote(creditNote: CreditNoteCreate, optionalFinalized?: OptionalFinalized): Promise<Result<CreditNoteCreateResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveCreditNote(id: string): Promise<Result<CreditNoteRetrieveResponse, RequestError>>
renderCreditNoteDocumentFileId(id: string): Promise<Result<DocumentFileId, RequestError>>
retrieveDownPaymentInvoice(id: string): Promise<Result<DownPaymentInvoice, RequestError>>
createEventSubscription(eventSubscription: EventSubscriptionCreate): Promise<Result<EventSubscription, RequestError>>
retrieveEventSubscription(id: string): Promise<Result<EventSubscription, RequestError>>
retrieveAllEventSubscriptions(): Promise<Result<EventSubscriptions, RequestError>>
deleteEventSubscription(id: string): Promise<Result<unknown, RequestError>>
uploadFile(data: FormData): Promise<Result<FileResponse, RequestError>>
downloadFile(documentFileId: string, optionalParameter?: RenderType): Promise<Result<unknown, RequestError>>
createInvoice(invoice: InvoiceCreate | XRechnung, optionalFinalized?: OptionalFinalized): Promise<Result<InvoiceCreateResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveInvoice(id: string): Promise<Result<InvoiceRetrieveResponse, RequestError>>
renderInvoiceDocumentFileId(id: string): Promise<Result<DocumentFileId, RequestError>>
createOrderConfirmation(orderConfirmation: OrderConfirmation): Promise<Result<OrderConfirmationResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveOrderConfirmation(id: string): Promise<Result<OrderConfirmationRetrieveResponse, RequestError>>
renderOrderConfirmationDocumentFileId(id: string): Promise<Result<DocumentFileId, RequestError>>
retrievePayment(id: string): Promise<Result<Payment, RequestError>>
retrievePaymentConditionList(): Promise<Result<PaymentCondition, RequestError>>
retrieveListPostingCategories(): Promise<Result<PostingCategory[], RequestError>>
retrieveProfile(): Promise<Result<Profile, RequestError>>
createQuotation(quotation: QuotationCreate, optionalFilter?: OptionalFinalized): Promise<Result<QuotationCreate, RequestError>>
retrieveQuotation(id: string): Promise<Result<Partial<Quotation>, RequestError>>
renderQuotationDocumentFileId(id: string): Promise<Result<DocumentFileId, RequestError>>
retrieveRecurringTemplate(id: string): Promise<Result<Partial<RecurringTemplate>, RequestError>>
retrieveAllRecurringTemplates(optionalFilter?: PagingParameters): Promise<Result<RecurringTemplates, RequestError>>
createVoucher(voucher: CreateVoucher): Promise<Result<VoucherCreateResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveVoucher(id: string): Promise<Result<Partial<Voucher>, RequestError>>
updateVoucher(id: string, voucher: CreateVoucher): Promise<Result<VoucherCreateResponse, RequestError>>
filterVoucher(voucherNumber: VoucherNumber): Promise<Result<Partial<Vouchers>, RequestError>>
uploadFileToVoucher(data: FormData, id: string): Promise<Result<FileResponse, RequestError>>
retrieveVoucherlist(filterParameter: FilterParameter): Promise<Result<Voucherlist, RequestError>>
For updating any type of vouchers where the "version" property is required, you first need to retrieve it and use the current "version" value to properly update.
Only possible for any type of vouchers that are not in "draft" mode.
The required id is not the id itself, it is the documentFileId, which can be required with the matching method and the vouchers id:
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