To build our Postgres image (based on this Dockerfile)
docker build -t postgres-javaone .
To create and run a new container based on the image created:
docker run -d --name postgresdb -p 5432:5432 postgres-javaone
To create and run a new container based on an ActiveMQ image:
docker run -d --name activemq webcenter/activemq:5.13.2
To create and run a new container based on an Apache Cassandra image:
docker run -d --name cassandradb cassandra:3.7
To build our Apache TomEE image (based on this Dockerfile)
docker build -t tomee-db --build-arg WAR_FILE=javaonedb.war .
To create three new containers basead on the image created and link them to the Postgres and Cassandra containers:
docker create --name hostdb1 -p 8080:8080 --link postgresdb:postgresdb --link cassandradb:cassandradb tomee-db
docker create --name hostdb2 -p 8081:8080 --link postgresdb:postgresdb --link cassandradb:cassandradb tomee-db
docker create --name hostdb3 -p 8082:8080 --link postgresdb:postgresdb --link cassandradb:cassandradb tomee-db
To create a NGINX container (based on this env file):
docker create --name loadbalancerdb -p 80:80 --link hostdb1:hostdb1 --link hostdb2:hostdb2 --link hostdb3:hostdb3 --env-file ./env-load.list jasonwyatt/nginx-loadbalancer
To start all those just created containers:
docker start hostdb1
docker start hostdb2
docker start hostdb3
docker start loadbalancerdb
Then an application called "javaonedb" will be available to be accessed thru your browser (check "docker-machine ip" command to see the IP that Docker is using).
Go to the javaonedb folder and execute the command:
gradle clean build war