Date: 29 Jan 2015 || Author: Grey Elerson #Title: Ruby NotifySMS Alert Module
This project is created with ruby version 2.1.5p273 and serves the purpose of sending SMS text-only messages to a phone number of your choosing using the Mechanize gem and a free online texting service called TextSendr.
The module performs as expected as of this date, but changes in updated versions of ruby, mechanize or TextSendr could render this module obsolete. Code presented here is free to use as desired without any attribution required as to the original author. Likewise, any repercussions incurred stemming from the use of this code for evil instead of good will be treated as your own fault. The original author assumes absolutely no liability.
Programmer descretion is advised.
To use the NotifySMS module, simply include the code in your project, and set
up the required attributes before calling the send
method as follows. Keep
in mind that you will need to make any changes by hand if you wish to send more
than one message. The module will persist the message information so that if
you send a message twice without changing the recipient or the message text,
that same phone will recieve two identical messages.
NotifySMS.service_provider = "Verizon"
NotifySMS.phone_number = "5551234567"
NotifySMS.sender_email = "[email protected]"
NotifySMS.message = "Over 500 users have registered today for"