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add: drivers for Marcudim-scan and -parametrization
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Johannes Steinmetzer committed Aug 21, 2023
1 parent 8a267d4 commit 20d0884
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Showing 4 changed files with 325 additions and 2 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions pysisyphus/drivers/
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# [1]
# Identifying the Marcus dimension of electron transfer from
# ab initio calculations
# Šrut, Lear, Krewald, 2022

# Šrut, Lear, Krewald, 2022 on chemrxiv
# [2]
# Identifying the Marcus dimension of electron transfer from
# ab initio calculations
# Šrut, Lear, Krewald, 2023, actual published version

import datetime
from enum import Enum
Expand Down
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# [1]
# Identifying the Marcus dimension of electron transfer from
# ab initio calculations
# Šrut, Lear, Krewald, 2023

from dataclasses import dataclass

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sym

from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG, NU2AU

class MarcusModel:
reorg_en: float # Lambda, Hartree
dG: float # ΔG, barrier height, in Hartree
coupling: float # Vab, in Hartree
R: float # Distance of adiabatic minimum to top of barrier in Bohr
f: float # Force constant in Hartree / Bohr**2
d: float # Separation of diabatic states in Bohr

def as_wavenums_and_ang_tuple(self):
return (
self.reorg_en / NU2AU,
self.dG / NU2AU,
self.coupling / NU2AU,
self.R * BOHR2ANG,
self.f / NU2AU / BOHR2ANG**2,
self.d * BOHR2ANG,

def G_diabatic(self, x):
Ga = self.f * x**2
Gb = self.f * (x - self.d) ** 2
return Ga, Gb

def plot_diabatic(self, x, show=False):
Ga, Gb = self.G_diabatic(x)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for state in (Ga, Gb):
ax.plot(x, state)
if show:
return fig, ax

def pretty(self):
reorg_en, dG, coupling, *_, d = self.as_wavenums_and_ang_tuple()
reorg_en = f"{reorg_en:.0f} cm⁻¹"
dG = f"{dG:.0f} cm⁻¹"
_2coupling = f"{2*coupling:.0f} cm⁻¹"
d = f"{d:.3f} Å"
return f"MarcusModel(λ={reorg_en}, ΔG={dG}, 2Vab={_2coupling}, d={d})"

def solve_marcus(R, Vab, dG=None, en_exc_min=None):
"""Fit Marcus-Hush model to given parameters R, Vab, dG and en_exc_min.
Either dG or en_exc_min is mandatory.
All argument should be given in atomic units (Hartree and Bohr).
Quartic extension is described here:
This is not yet implemented!"""

assert (dG is not None) or (
en_exc_min is not None
), "Either 'dG' or 'en_exc_min' must be given!"
f, d = sym.symbols("f d", real=True)
# Equation 1 is the same for both parametrizations; either eq. (5b) or (6b)
eq1 = (
d / 2
- 1 / 2 * ((d**2 * f - sym.sqrt(d**4 * f**2 - 4 * Vab**2)) / (d * f))
- R

def inner(eq2):
# Solve equation system using sympy
results = sym.solve([eq1, eq2], d, f, dict=True)
assert len(results) == 1
res = results[0]
fval = res[f]
dval = res[d]
reorg_en = fval * dval**2
dG = (dval**2 * fval - 2 * Vab) ** 2 / (4 * dval**2 * fval)
return MarcusModel(

results = dict()
# Use parametrization A
if dG is not None:
# Eq. (5c) in SI of [1]
eq2_a = (d**2 * f - 2 * Vab) ** 2 / (4 * d**2 * f) - dG
results["a"] = inner(eq2_a)
# Use parametrization B
if en_exc_min is not None:
# Eq. (6c) in SI of [1]
eq2_b = d**2 * f - en_exc_min
results["b"] = inner(eq2_b)
# If dG and en_exc_min are given we can use both parametrizations.
return results

def solve_marcus_wavenums_and_ang(R, Vab, dG=None, en_exc_min=None):
"""Wrapper for solve_marcus that accepts wavenumbers and Ångstrom."""
kwargs = {
"R": R / BOHR2ANG,
"Vab": Vab * NU2AU,
"dG": dG * NU2AU if dG is not None else None,
"en_exc_min": en_exc_min * NU2AU if en_exc_min is not None else None,
return solve_marcus(**kwargs)

def find_minima(arr):
assert (arr.ndim == 1) and (len(arr) >= 3)
return [i for i in range(1, arr.size) if arr[i - 1] > arr[i] < arr[i + 1]]

def param_marcus(coordinate, energies, scheme="B"):
assert energies.ndim == 2

# Excitation energy at adiabatic minimum
min_inds = find_minima(energies[:, 0]) # Search minima in lower state
if len(min_inds) == 2:
ind0, ind1 = min_inds
adia_min_ind = ind0 if energies[ind0, 0] < energies[ind1, 0] else ind1
barr_ind = energies[ind0 : ind1 + 1].argmax() + ind0
elif len(min_inds) == 1:
adia_min_ind = barr_ind = min_inds[0]
raise Exception("How did I get here?!")

adia_min_ens = energies[adia_min_ind]
en_exc_min = adia_min_ens[1] - adia_min_ens[0]
barr_ens = energies[barr_ind]
en_exc_barr = barr_ens[1] - barr_ens[0]

# Electronic coupling
V_ab = en_exc_barr / 2
# Distance R between adiabatic minimum and top of barrier
R = coordinate[barr_ind] - coordinate[adia_min_ind]
# Barrier height ΔG
dG = energies[barr_ind, 0]
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions pysisyphus/drivers/
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import math
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.helpers import rms

def scan_dir(
assert add_steps >= 0, f"{add_steps=:} must be >= 0!"
assert max_steps > 0, f"{max_steps=:} must be positive!"

grad = np.nan
step = step_size * direction
stop_in = add_steps
converged = False

xcur = x0 + step
prop_prev = None
grad_rms_prev = None

all_factors = np.arange(max_steps) + 1
all_coords = np.empty((max_steps, *x0.shape))
all_energies = list()
all_properties = np.empty(max_steps)
for i in range(max_steps):
all_coords[i] = xcur
# Calculate & store property
energies, prop = get_property(xcur)
all_properties[i] = prop

# Determine gradient from finite differences
if prop_prev is not None:
grad = (prop - prop_prev) / step_size
print(f"{i=:03d}, property={prop: >12.4f}, {grad=: >12.4f}")

rms_grad = rms(grad)
# Break when the gradient increases. This is probably enough and the
# following rms(grad) check is not needed.
if (
(i >= min_steps)
and (grad_rms_prev is not None)
and rms_grad > grad_rms_prev
print("Property gradient increased. Breaking")

# Also check convergence via rms; this check is skipped once convergence
# is indicated.
if not converged and (converged := np.abs(rms_grad) <= rms_grad_thresh):

# After convergence we can carry out some additional steps, if requested.
if add_steps and converged:
stop_in -= 1

# Break directly when we don't want to do any additional steps
if converged and add_steps == 0:
elif add_steps and stop_in < 0:
print("Did additional steps")

# Update variables
xcur = xcur + step
prop_prev = prop
grad_rms_prev = rms_grad
raise Exception("Scan did not converge!")
all_energies = np.array(all_energies)
# Truncate arrays and drop empty part. This will also drop the last calculation
# that lead to the break from the loop.
return (
all_factors[:i] * step_size,

def scan(x0, direction, get_properties, **kwargs):
dir_norm = np.linalg.norm(direction)
if not math.isclose(dir_norm, 1.0):
warnings.warn(f"norm(direction)={dir_norm:.6f} is not 1.0! Renormalizing.")
direction = direction / dir_norm
# Carry out calculation on initial geometry.
ens0, prop0 = get_properties(x0)

def get_property_changes(xi):
"""Get property changes w.r.t. initial geometry."""
ens, prop = get_properties(xi)
return ens, prop # - prop0

print("Positive direction")
pos_dir = direction
pos_facts, pos_coords, pos_ens, pos_props = scan_dir(
x0, pos_dir, get_property_changes, **kwargs

print("Negative direction")
neg_dir = -1.0 * direction
neg_facts, neg_coords, neg_ens, neg_props = scan_dir(
x0, neg_dir, get_property_changes, **kwargs

def concat(neg, init, pos):
return np.concatenate((neg[::-1], [init], pos))

all_facts = concat(-neg_facts, 0.0, pos_facts)
all_coords = concat(neg_coords, x0, pos_coords)
all_energies = concat(neg_ens, ens0, pos_ens)
# When we consider the difference w.r.t. initial geometry then
# the property is always 0.0.
all_properties = concat(neg_props, prop0, pos_props)
return all_facts, all_coords, all_energies, all_properties
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions tests/test_marcusdim/
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import math

import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.drivers.marcusdim_param import solve_marcus_wavenums_and_ang

def assert_parametrization(model, lambda_ref, dG_ref, _2Vab_ref, d_ref):
*energies, _, _, d = model.as_wavenums_and_ang_tuple()
energies, (lambda_ref, dG_ref, _2Vab_ref / 2.0), atol=0.5
assert math.isclose(d, d_ref, abs_tol=5e-4)

def test_mdnb():
# Ab initio scan data from Table 1 in the manuscript for m-DNB·⁻, second to last row.
dG_ref = 1233
en_exc_min_ref = 7434
Vab_ref = 2752 / 2.0
res = solve_marcus_wavenums_and_ang(
R=0.06, Vab=Vab_ref, dG=dG_ref, en_exc_min=en_exc_min_ref
ma = res["a"]
mb = res["b"]

print("Parametrization A")
print("\t", ma.pretty())
print("Parametrization B")
print("\t", mb.pretty())

assert_parametrization(ma, 9651, dG_ref, 2 * Vab_ref, 0.125)
assert_parametrization(mb, en_exc_min_ref, 737, 2 * Vab_ref, 0.129)

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# xs = np.linspace(-0.10, 0.2)
# figa, _ = ma.plot_diabatic(xs, show=False)
# figa.suptitle("Model A")
# figb, _ = mb.plot_diabatic(xs, show=False)
# figb.suptitle("Model B")

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