An application that will help you better navigate the complicated metro system finding shortest and fastest route between stations.
- reading a metro network composed of lines, stations, and transfers from a Json file
- possibility to add/remove stations
- possibility to add transfers between lines
- calculation of fastest route between two stations in terms of hobs
- calculation of shortest route between two stations in terms of cost
After running the app, input the name of the json file that has the metro network information to load. The file should be under resources
folder. e.g. prage.json
After that, a command from the command list could be used.
- Java collections
- Java streams
- Regex
- Exception handling
- Graph theory
- Google's Gson
- Design patterns:
- Behavioral: command
- Creational: singleton
: lists the metro lines/add-head <line name> <station name>
: adds a metro station at the start of specified line. e.g./add-head "Linka A" test
/append <line name> <station name>
: adds a metro station at the end of specified line. e.g./append "Linka A" test
/remove <line name> <station name>
: removes the specified station from the specified line. e.g./remove "Linka A" test
/output <line name>
: prints the list of metro stations in the specified line in order. e.g./output "Linka A"
/add-transfer <from line name> <from station name> <to line name> <to station name>
: adds a transfer between the specified lines using the specified stations. e.g./add-transfer "Linka A" test "Linka B" test2
/fastest-route <start line> <start station> <destination station>
: calculates and shows the fastest route (in terms of numbers of stations). e.g./fastest-route "Linka A" test test2
/route <start line> <start station> <destination station>
: calculates and shows the shortest route (in terms of cost). e.g./route "Linka A" test test2
: shows the list of the available commands/exit
: terminates the program