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This is the remote repository for the version 2.0 of my personal website which you can view at

I have published this website under the MIT License.

Table of Contents

  1. Instructions for Use
  2. Version Notes
  3. Tech Framework
  4. License
  5. Future Plans
  6. Special Thanks
  7. Planning and Development Notes

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Instructions for Use

Navigating the Website

This website is relatively easy to navigate given its nature being mostly informational. Desktop users have access to quick links to all the main sub-directories in the directory / (main index page). There are also nav links in the page header visible on all pages. Mobile users will see a hamburger menu rather to display the same links. The hamburger menu is fixed to the top of the screen and will not disappear if the page is scrolled. The page is fully keyboard navigable on the desktop version.

Notes for Developers

If you fork the code for my website there are some things that you should be aware of before doing so. Presumably if you want to fork my code, you want to preserve and work with my architecture rather than delete it.

First some non-technical stuff:

  • This page is published under the MIT License and all of its terms extend to use of my code and design.
  • If you fork my code I would like to be recognized prominenetly in the first section of your file with a link to This is under the principle of please don't be a jerk if reusing my work.

Config files:

  • The gatsby-ssr.js and gatsby-browser.js files apply the <Layout> wrapper to every page on the website.
  • The gatsby-node.js file feeds data from src/data into template functions to generate all sub-directories in the /resources and /projects URL pathways. This file retrieves minimal information to determine the pages which need to be generated, then the template functions coding those pages retrieve more detailed data.
  • Plugins I'm using in gatsby-config.js generally serve three purposes:
    1. make images in the /src/images directory available for GraphQL
    2. make .md data in the /src/data available for gatsby-node.js and GraphQL
    3. activate React Helmet which allows me to populate data into my website's <Head> component


  • All of my images exist at a 640Ă—640 pixel resolution. Various pages in my website will resize them to smaller sizes using the gatsby-image plugin. The size is somewhat arbitrary, it simply needs to be larger than I will presumably use images on my site and in the same aspect ratio (currently 1:1).
  • All individual project pages in the /projects URL pathway are rendered using data from individual .md files in the /src/data/projects directory which is fed into the template file project-details.js. To make new files, copy/paste data from an existing file into a new one and update the data. Please note that I have the sequence coded into the .md frontmatter. Achieving a custom sort sequence requires either this or hardcoding a sequence into the projects.js file. I chose the former. This does require however updating a number of files to avoid conflicts.
  • All individual resource pages in the /resources URL pathway are rendered using data from the collection of .md files in a given folder of the /src/data/resources directory which is fed into the template file resource-details.js. That is, the collection resources listed in the page at a URL pathway /resources/foo-bar would be generated from data in each of the individual files .md files in the /src/data/resources/foo-bar.js directory.


  • Each of the main URL pathways in the website (/, /about, /projects, /resources, /contact) are coded by a file in the /src/pages directory. The central index page is index.js; Gatsby creates namespaces for all other files according to their filename.
  • The page /projects is coded by a file index.js in the /src/pages/projects directory. This architecture is necessary to add pages at sub-directories in that URL pathway and I plan to add a page at /resources/other-projects at a later date. Note that creating sub-directory pages does not require this architecture if the pages are being generated from template files. The functions in gatsby-node.js will take care of that.

Version Notes

v | 14 June 2021 | commit 7bea184aa7df2f80c4160b560a8e7de3441b6c7e | Initial Commit

  • Initial commit of this project.

v | 16 June 2021 | commit 346bc468077ff93680699343d3730202c6a32196

  • Moved contents of which came with the starter code to Re-initialized this as my own file.
    • Added Version Notes with information on the current and previous commit(s).
    • Added Future Plans with goals for both MVP and long-term icebox.
    • Added Special Thanks with information about and links to resources I used developing this project.
    • Added Planning & Development Notes to start outlining my thoughts on how to construct this site.
    • The file will be built out more later.
  • Added as a remote origin repository for this project.
  • Created new directories for /src/components, /src/images, and /src/styles.
  • Created .js files for index pages in all directories. Created a /src/pages/projects directory for project sub-directories.

v | 16 June 2021 | commit 972d9aa0eec3cfa833167328114c74609298dc10

  • Installed the following dependencies all via npm install/npm i:
    • gatsby-image ^3.7.1
    • gatsby-plugin-sharp ^3.7.1
    • gatsby-source-filesystem ^3.7.0
    • gatsby-transformer-remark ^4.4.1
    • gatsby-transformer-sharp ^3.7.1
  • Added a site metadata JSON to the gatsby-config.js exports with site & developer information.
  • Added plugins which do not require options configuration to gatsby-config.js exports:
    • gatsby-plugin-sharp
    • gatsby-transformer-sharp
    • gatsby-transformer-remark
  • Added an Introduction section to this file. It basically exists to tell employers this code is for a site still being built and not yet deployed. It'll be heavily reworked once this site is deployed and live.
  • Added a 404.js file, currently empty.

v | 16 June 2021 | commit 0f34314537a1bf943a247f84e2ec2cc5a961f723

  • Stub up starter code and placeholder content for all pages (index pages and 404).
  • Create a global.css file.
  • Create a <Layout> component to code HTML containers that surround the <main> (header, footer, nav, etc) and incorporate into index pages.
  • Installed React Helmet to customize metadata in <head> of rendered webpage.
    • Added title: <title>Emily Smith | Software Engineer</title>
    • Specified a canonical link: <link rel="canonical" href="" />
  • Created a Tech Framework section of

v | 16 June 2021 | commit d60a05d8e70d2ac203fcb823e2693eace93017c6

  • Importing site metadata from gatsby-config.js into Layout.js to render data from metadata instead of hardcoding.
  • Created a dedicated component for the <header> and imported/incorporated into the <Layout> component.
  • Minor reformat of the Tech Framework section of
  • Added basic styling in global.css for the <Layout> component (which wraps all other JSX).
  • Added styling to <header> for item spacing.
  • Changed commit for v to correct commit number.

v | 17 June 2021 | commit 037dc08a26c720dfd261e5ec067c5b770899509f

  • Installed gatsby-plugin-manifest to build a web manifest plugin in gatsby-config.js.
  • Added a favicon.
  • Arranged all page content to fit in a CSS Grid layout.
  • Created empty CSS modules for all stubbed-up pages.

v | 18 June 2021 | commit c90b3e8f24a80989e60ad63a7b58f6a1ed32cfe7

  • Added significant content and styling for the main index page.
  • Added color styling to the header.
  • Fixed some issues with the web manifest's construction and linking.

v | 18 June 2021 | commit f962e2240c0db1b18619cc7ff9c02439dd704361

  • Completed all parts of <Layout> component (content and styling).
  • Completed main index page (content and styling).
  • Added underline/overline effect to <header> nav links on hover.
  • Fixed issue that CSS Grid layout for main index page was global.
  • Added left and right navbars.

v | 18 June 2021 | commit c3b5cefa16ad599e2f3621425677161729519380

  • Created CSS grid template for /about page.
  • Completed content for About Emily section on /about page.
  • Stubbed-up grid areas for Skills content on /about page.

v | 18 June 2021 | commit 8862fb66804ad58751d784ffd855e10f7cd7dc87

  • Changed CSS display setting from grid to flexbox. Grid was a mistake.
  • Finished building out all content. Made some styling adjustments for spacing.
  • Self-portrait has an orange overlay that disappears on mouse hover.

v | 18 June 2021 | commit 6d4020ac8d1a031b49a18f1758ee6637c70a0d12

  • Added some items to Key Skills section of the /about page.
  • Added notes to better section off code in home.module.css file.
  • Built and configured contact links and form in the /contact directory with styling.

v | 19 June 2021 | commit 5b2e9c7bc2bb0c77bee148ec20b51a13ed89831f

  • Bug fix to /contact page that the entire contact link <div> elements are not clickable links.

v | 19 June 2021 | commit 57c03a513d91874e4c71c62f961a5ab2f57edb49

  • Bug fix on HTML ported from old website on contact form.
    • Changed for attributes on <input> items to React-friendly htmlFor.
    • Changed maxlength attribute on message <textarea> to React-friendly maxLength.
  • Added rel='noreferrer' to target='_blank' hyperlinks to get rid of warnings in back end.

v | 19 June 2021 | commit 58719c8d970224746da317e55c7450ece25a1b77

  • Removed start_url from manifest; unnecessary if it's the root directory of the domain.
  • Stubbed up code for main index page in /projects directory.
  • Initialized .md files for project information to be used in individual project pages.

v | 20 June 2021 | commit f4290915af76c3666fbcec97a7243272421ace61

  • Installed gatsby source filesystem to load .md data into the website.
  • Moved .md project files to a new directory /src/data/projects for GraphQL.
  • Added initial content to .md project data files.
  • Created a GraphQL query to get project data for the /projects index page.
  • Render <Link> containers (actually <a> elements) for projects in /projects index page with minimal styling.

v | 20 June 2021 | commit 8cb978205b1d95101bb58a93ea9755221aaee782

  • Added background color hover effect to project links on /projects index page.
  • Altered query on /projects index page to only return main projects.
  • Added information about Gatsby Source Filesystem to file.

v | 20 June 2021 | commit 058966592b7da0117e6433b6d0201300841c5233

  • Added pictures of apps that I was missing previously (Human Verifier, Dog Pictures, and my old website).
  • Registered an instance of Gatsby Source Filesystem for the /src/images directory.
  • Configured GraphQL query in /projects index page to get project screenshots.

v | 20 June 2021 | commit 43c617c7150823393833ef3b11ad301aea237eba

  • Changed GraphQL query to get fluid pictures sizes in /projects index page to allow CSS resizing.
  • Finished formatting links (text and images) on /projects index page.
  • Adjusted :hover styling to links of /projects index page.

v | 20 June 2021 | commit caea351d6a8cad83709ac39b8e4ba4c3e628ba8d

  • Removed an unnecessary console.log() statement from the /projects index page function.
  • Moved projects.module.css from /src/styles/projects to /src/styles
  • Created a /src/templates directory which will hold template files.
  • Stubbed up a template form project-details.js to layout individual project pages.
  • Initialized a gatsby-node.js file to generate pages using template project-details.js and markdown data from /src/data/projects.

v | 20 June 2021 | commit 9e13ce7ddf93da23dd85095092f5f211aef81191

  • Created a GraphQL query in the project-details.js template to retrieve markdown data for each page generated.
  • Pages generated from project-details.js template render with data from the correct .md file in the /data/projects directory.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit 40d8f3f48852aad27638085dc61efbbf284d80ce

  • Fix bug where content overflows footer, some pages had a max-height value on the <main> which was unnecessary.
  • Added notes to gatsby-node.js so I can use the file as a model in future projects.
  • Added Back to Top links at the end of every section in this file.
  • Added sequence field to project markdown frontmatter to use for sorting in GraphQL query.
  • Built out content in .md files for project data for projects I'm currently displaying.
  • Added some mobile-responsiveness to pages in /projects directory.
    • Index page in changes spacing on smaller screens so that content is evenly distributed.
    • Project details pages switch to column view on smaller screens with text below the image and content centered.
  • Completed formatting data in .md files for project detail pages.
  • Completed all styling for project-detail.js template-generated pages.
  • Moved the page footer into a new <Footer /> component.
  • Refactored <Header /> component to generate navlinks by mapping over an array.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit 986dfa36b8434dabf56de94da3469621e6cd2f79

  • Moved Skills data on /about page into a variable to be rendered in the function return.
  • Stubbed up /resources page with placeholder content. Developing this page will be the first icebox task.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit 2a0057e12748be65d87ad7054b775a977f765ff7

  • Favicon isn't loading on deployed site. Added a favicon to <Helmet /> to see if that helps. This is hard to troubleshoot because I'm getting a favicon on my local machine.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit 0f0a54cce13123dabb31ca38443872dda28f6065

  • Favicon still isn't loading. I found information on how to configure gatsby-plugin-sharp to load a favicon, let's see if that works.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit 4bf66b580a4b9402e9ebb7f250c99c8ef1635e72

  • Deleted the full web manifest since I can't tell which three lines are throwing errors. I can reinstate it later.
  • Created a custom 404 page.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit e82dcda6a99080d445182414bcfe59074f4a4336

  • Deleted link to the web manifest from <Helmet /> component.

v | 21 June 2021 | commit e1efc5401dfb33ba1da0a161ed8ab287676167d6

  • Imported favicon.ico to <Layout /> and linked in <Helmet /> with 200 status code in local environment.
    • FUTURE REFERENCE This was it!

v | 22 June 2021 | commit afc75d45d894e1bbad9bcd8785f701166425023f

  • Nav links are now generated outside the render function in <Header /> and loaded by it.

v | 23 June 2021 | commit 677899c94457edf157d691be8a29870b7fa66ed8

  • Built hamburger menu for mobile version of site.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit 2d62efcc5b967b064f390501077cd5416095c8c8

  • Added comments to section off import sections of Header.js and Footer.js files.
  • Uninstalled dependencies via npm uninstall which I'm not using:
    • @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
    • @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
    • @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
    • bootstrap
    • react-burger-menu
  • Completed mobile responsiveness for /about index page.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit 79dc2e07fc1841bb5d0cf37492c8c36ed759c11a

  • Minor refactor to how I call my mobile-version portrait to fix an error on Netlify.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit caf20047f70ce647914fe712783d902a4030ded1

  • Refactor to graphql query to try to fix the same error from the previous commit.
    • FUTURE REFERENCE This was it! The problem was using an id in the graphql query. Using the image src as a filter worked.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit ab2c29d9a2f03b72111f2ecf0e213fc45cdd8ad0

  • Replaced the HTML/CSS hamburger menu icon with an SVG.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit 161bd7cd0ba61edb0f1c7b399fb55729c594c03e

  • Add styling to links in the hamburger menu.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit b44af9a8ca387954ffa2b29c56e2400f3578e6e1

  • Refactor / main index page to use flexbox instead of grid.
  • Add mobile responsiveness to / main index page.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit 1bace84df4f4b9bb01184bf2625ec5f5eef8eddb

  • Reduced text size on index page to fit on more phone screens without wrapping.
  • Completed mobile responsiveness for /projects index page.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit ae5699eed13d43a4265743c326981c36db9141af

  • Completed mobile responsiveness for pages generated by the project-details.js template.
  • Deleted testing code from projects.module.css which had been left disabled.

v | 28 June 2021 | commit 005a0266c72ed3d058d084cf0d92c0f061b48567

  • Bug fix for a CSS issue that caused content to overrun the horizontal viewport width on the / main index page.
  • Completed mobile responsive styling for /resources index page.
  • Made <h1> styling on /projects index page consistent with other index pages.

v | 29 June 2021 | commit 08c3be7b844311d4b8ae5fa9ae8818216462dc1f

  • All mobile-responsive styling is complete!

v | 03 July 2021 | commit 334b8c89405bf31d9b85624afb9126ec5faa8896

  • Added .svg files to build-out /resources index page.

v | 05 July 2021 | commit ab3d34a8d0c79aa039bde49fe6703468619cfe18

  • Major refactor to to the / main index page file.
    • Page links in the <main> are generated from metadata outside the return statement.
    • Page links are generated outside the return statement by mapping over metadata and loading JSX template data into a variable.
  • Refactor to /projects index page also generate link elements outside the return statement by mapping over metadata and loanding JSX template data into a variable.
  • Render /resources (mobile and desktop versions) with links to sub-directories (not yet built).
  • Added more .svg files to build-out /resources index page.

v | 05 July 2021 | commit 187472103958c23cb79f23fe51916261a0d90ef1

  • Added the key group to all .md files to allow filtering of graphql results for different sub-directories on the website.
  • Rendering sub-directory pages of the /resources directory linked properly in the /resources index page.

v | 06 July 2021 | commit 6bc73a23adda2fa2787df3edae3a305716642049

  • Create images for links in /resources/web-development and /resources/html-css directories.
  • Successfully query data in resource-details.js file (not specific to sub-directory, always queries subgroup: web-development type).

v | 06 July 2021 | commit ef8cfcb6f287513a4aa88c9fd704f391ffa9dba4

  • Built-out .md data files for links in the /resources/web-development directory for Codepen, Codecademy, and CSS Tricks.
  • Add styling to page <h1> and <hr /> for title.
  • Render resource name and content information for imported .md files in resource-details.js template.
  • Green line appears left of each resource item when hovered in resource-details.js template.

v | 06 July 2021 | commit 5839a92bec3e9a2a30b834c3fb6f75ea3a6469d7

  • Complete desktop styling for /resources sub-directories.

v | 06 July 2021 | commit ca0f5863b2935bd47d1654e37987c8136898a850

  • Fixed incorrect commit number attached to the commit immediately before this one.
  • Built-out .md data files for links in the /resources/html-css directory for Flexbox Froggy and Grid Garden.
  • Add comments to better section and explain code in gatsby-node.js file.
  • Sub-directory pages in the /resources directory now render the correct data (not just Web Development resources).

v | 06 July 2021 | commit 0ec1445329957bc8d5eb33146f044f81139223db

  • Added mobile-responsiveness to /resources sub-directory pages. Not perfected yet but definitely good enough to push to production.
  • Disabled JavaScript and React links on the /resources index page. I don't have data ready for them yet so they aren't rendering properly. I don't want to stop them from letting me push to production.
  • Edit Build failed at the GraphQL query in resource-details.js, now time to figure out why.

v | 12 July 2021 | commit 34c38188cbfcc3e3ad6c0982309dd7f7db484a9e

  • I disabled all links in the /resources index page except for Web Development. I'm wondering if the build is failing because I'm running queries for pages that don't yet have content. Edit: Not it. At least not the only issue. I'm leaving it like this for now though just for the sake of simplicity.

v | 12 July 2021 | commit 411197eb73a97b8e0b76bdc59ef580e1f38a6a99

  • I disabled the code to render images in resource-details.js currently at line 35: <Img fluid={node.frontmatter.squareImg.childImageSharp.fluid} />
    • Netlify says the error exists both here and at the query, but disabling it here will eliminate at least one complicating factor.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 072d871b84d4177a34bd5c87792718ef65c62a38

  • I did not anticipate in the last commit my website would now build, but without the images in question. I restored the previous line of code removed, but now I need to finish this fix tonight or else my site will be live with missing images.
    • For the time being I've locked Netlify into using the last successful build. Auto-publishing is disabled.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 78646c32aaf32b92648a43a0a12caa920ef7a960

  • I moved the empty .md files from the directory /src/data/resources/web-development to /src/data/resources/tempfiles in case their presence is the reason the build is failing. It's probably not but their presence is an unnecessary complicating factor.
  • Redeveloped GraphQL query in resource-details.js from scratch.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit e5448edc1e620c83ea42ae4bc609f3272092b240

  • I changed image sharp fluid to image sharp fixed in resource-details.js to see if a fixed inquiry will work.
    • Edit: Nope, fixed doesn't work either.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 6c3ef5b27867457774cdfd6fcbc4a943201ce651

  • Registered the new plugin gatsby-plugin-image in gatsby-config.js; this replaces the plugin gatsby-image (which is now deprecated). Installed via npm i gatsby-plugin-image in the terminal.
  • Restructured how I call images in project-details.js to reflect the new file structure returned by GraphQL.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit b3358bd96057ed8d47cc4735acb522a582520a4a

  • Deleted placeholder test files in src/data/resources/javascript and src/data/resources/react. I think the build on Netlify may have failed due to incomplete data files being skipped by the build in my local environment.
    • FUTURE REFERENCE This was it! So from now on, no half-built .md files. Every created file needs to be blank or fully-built. Two test files with half-developed dummy data failed to build because of the missing data.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 8c567e73516c3a688181d0ae3be6425cc4de6dd9

  • Moved all .md files being stored in the /src/data/resources/tempfiles directory to the /src/data/resources/web-development directory.
  • Re-activated the link to the /resources/html-css sub-directory page.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 115de568ab74484f4b4f9d85758fcb525c34ad65 | Current Version

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 55b82cdcfd9efab0294c8be3b60021afc6dc3a9c

  • Added a field slug to the frontmatter in all .md files in the src/data/resources directory. This is necessary for anchor tags for in-page hyperlinking.
  • Added id={node.frontmatter.slug} as an attribute to the top-level element <article> in resource-details.js to have a target for in-page hyperlinking.
  • Added className={styles.resource_external_hyperlink} as an attribute to external link anchor tags in resource-details.js file.
  • Refactor CSS in resource-details.module.css such that styles previously targeting .resource_article_details a now target the new resource_external_hyperlink class.
  • Added in-page hyperlinks to every resource listed in the /resources sub-directories which name another resource.
  • Added additional margin-bottom spacing to external hyperlinks in /resources sub-directories for mobile devices.
  • Added alt text to all instances of <GatsbyImage /> to satisfy errors.
  • Built out .md files for the following links in the /resources/html-css sub-directory page:

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 46b8a49d66d9b76fb9131c73ba6241b215145e53

  • Updated items listed in Ice Box section of to reflect implemented features.
  • Added the MIT License to the publication and use terms of this website.

BRANCH render-layout-through-ssr | 13 July 2021 | commit 65a45be3b9aafac772918da7355742de8e5aeef0

  • Initialized gatsby-ssr.js and gatsby-browser.js files.
  • Wrote functions in both new files to automatically wrap <Layout /> around page elements.
  • Removed <Layout /> wrapper from all render functions and corresponding import statements from relevant files.
  • Confirmed all pages including sub-directories are rendering properly.

v | 13 July 2021 | commit 5fd9b1e3c46706015f348967cbb57de1c5af804f

  • Pushed branch render-layout-through-ssr and merged into main on GitHub.
  • Pulled this commit from GitHub to sync local main with origin/main.

v | 15 July 2021 | commit 99c641bf72ebab5b91f2cd4831aa42b809c987a8

  • Removed an unnecessary <div> wrapper around the <Link /> elements in the index.js page.
  • Added an .md file for Making CSS to be rendered in the /resources/html-css directory.
  • Added .md files for Netlify and Heroku to be rendered in the /resources/web-development directory.
  • Important! since I don't seem to be using wide images in my links to external resources, I've stopped creating them when I make new resource entries. For the time being I'm keeping the wideImg field in the frontmatter of new .md files but leaving it set to null. I'm going to keep the field and the existing wide images until a later time when I'm sure I'll never use them. I don't think they look as good as the square screenshots anyway.
  • Made alterations to the organization of the src/images/resources directory:
    • Deleted the directory src/images/resources/internal since I'm not using it.
    • Moved all the files in the src/images/resources/external directory to src/images/resources since I don't have sub-directories in that directory anymore.
    • Deleted the directory src/images/resources/external as it's now empty and obsolete.
    • Updated all the image filepaths in .md files in the src/data/resources directory. This was easy since it's just removing /external from each filepaths.
  • Modified resource-details.module.css to use color-match in-page links with external links.
  • Hyperlinked records in Version Notes of of adding external resources to /resources sub-directories.

v | 15 July 2021 | commit ec6b75c83edd2817c34c86a70c6ec4cfefd4c1de

  • Updated data in file; I copy/pasted data from as a template but forgot to update the html data (resource description and in-page hyperlink) in the file.
  • Added an .md file for GitHub to be rendered in the /resources/web-development directory.

v | 15 July 2021 | commit a0765382b14575734a33fd688030dc025eadcee4

  • Added an .md file for Bacon Ipsum to be rendered in the /resources/web-development directory.
  • Created a new Learning resource in the /resources directory.
  • Moved the following .md files for the following resources from src/data/resources/web-development to src/data/resources/tutorials:

v | 15 July 2021 | commit 21830608745276f775d9d12c42e8cb2c777303cf

  • Refactored gatsby-browser.js and gatsby-ssr.js to use arrow function notation.
  • Added alt-text to icons loaded in the /resources index page.

v | 17 July 2021 | commit 4d1d461d4be27ce570c960d34160b39968d8e65b

  • Removed the pageTitle field from the frontmatter of all .md files in the src/data/resources directory. This field is unnecessary due to the switch statement I built into the resource-details.js file.
  • Removed all instances of the break operatory from the switch statement in the resource-details.js file. It isn't necessary for how I built the statement.
  • Activated the /resources/react sub-directory and built out .md files for the following resources:
  • Activated the /resources/gatsby-js sub-directory and built out .md files for the following resources:
  • Updated several instances of typing Gatsby.js to read GatsbyJS throughout the website.

v | 17 July 2021 | commit 7a8385570939e45ef0e08aae2468f8f544b12e42

  • Reinstated the break operators in the switch statement in the resource-details.js file removed in the previous commit. I actually did need them. Oops.
  • Added a sequence value to the frontmatter of all .md files in the src/data/resources directory to allow in-page sorting of GraphQL query returns.
  • Updated GraphQL query in resource-details.js to sort returns by the new sequence value.

v | 19 July 2021 | commit 28de1564ca3cc4ddad5bb7fcc2d48dedeb18100e

  • Bugfix! When I refactored the <main> nav links to remove the unnecessary wrapper in index.js I lost vertical spacing between the squares on mobile devices. I added margin-bottom: 28px; styling to a .nav_links > a CSS selector under a @media (max-width: 620px) media query. Now spacing is proper.

v | 19 July 2021 | commit 95487bf8bf2b9614c4b8ac841578c95ae2122303

  • Built a Table of Contents in the file.

v | 19 July 2021 | commit afeec54eb0348e20eb3ddf02ddfc6cb1c47ae7f1

  • Built a Instructions for Use section in the file.

v | 19 July 2021 | commit cccee8b2add38e3ebf92c273958f1e0c4144b227

  • Added a version note for commit afeec54eb0348e20eb3ddf02ddfc6cb1c47ae7f1 (ie the commit immediately before this one). I got excited and pushed my code without doing so. Oops.

v | 17 August 2021 | commit 27b3ab2fa675d7d62725247b5a0ff1eea152c90d

  • Refactored the LeftSidenav.js component to map over an array of data to produce links instead of hardcoding them.

v | 17 August 2021 | commit e9e23019d918db6751d72f94072f5a41ac8284fe

  • Add my personal e-mail address to site metadata in the gatsby-config.js file.
  • Remove all instances of hardcoding [email protected] and load it from site metadata instead:
    • pages: index.js and contact.js
    • component: RightSidenav.js

v | 18 August 2021 | commit 96ee1b0666812be0fbbdc4088170271ec42a7264

  • Added "TypeScript" to Key Skills section of the about.js page (mobile and desktop versions).
  • Added a link to Pinterest in the LeftSidenav.js component.

v | 18 August 2021 | commit c0095152d240dca50cda20282f82c7546c9ba707

  • Removed the useStaticQuery GraphQL dongle from index.js and contact.js files where it wasn't needed.

v | 04 September 2021 | commit e07d4395fe404f197fb5d3a5cb85625a55e930e7

  • Changed my home city as listed in index.js to Raleigh-Durham.
  • Added <meta> tags to React Helmet for author and description content fields.
    • Data lives in siteMetadata of the gatsby-config.js file and is imported through GraphQL.

v | 09 September 2021 | commit a4d71968f323bd5290fb1d605ddce42b79f379e7

  • Added <meta /> elements to React Helmet for Open Graph data.

v | 21 September 2021 | commit 7a707b070621e1aa88dd55d8bd19e76a0fa171dd

  • Updated Home Page and About Me to reflect new employment with Crocodile Labs!
  • Added styling to index.module.css and about.module.css to color-theme links to Crocodile Labs.

[VERSION] | [DATE] | commit -- | Current Version

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Tech Framework

Tech Stack

This app uses:

  • React & Gatsby.js SSG
  • JavaScript ES6+
  • HTML5 & CSS3

I built this app using:

This app is hosted at:

Plugins & Dongles

  • Allows metadata to be customized in <head> section of rendered website.
  • Install via npm install gatsby-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet
  • Import to relevant react pages/components via import {Helmet} from 'react-helmet'
  • Inside JSX, code a <Helmet> container and inside it code any items that would normally be in the <head>
  • Dependency as listed in package.json: "gatsby-plugin-react-helmet": "^4.7.1"
  • Plugin as registered in gatsby-config.js: 'gatsby-plugin-react-helmet' (no configuration)
  • Full documentation is available here.
  • Allows Gatsby to use GraphQL to query information out of the React file structure (images, .txt and .md files, etc).
  • Install via npm install gatsby-source-filesystem
  • Needs to be once for each directory which will be queried.
  • Register: resolve: gatsby-source-filesystem
  • Configure: options: {} which takes multiple key/values:
    • name: `projects` (any string for sameple, can be referenced with GraphQL)
    • path: `${__dirname}/src/data/projects/` (any path in the /src directory)
  • Allows the creation of a web manifest plugin in gatsby-config.js
    • Technically web manifests are used to score progressive web apps and are not necessary for apps that are not intended to be downloaded to and installed on an Android device.
    • I'm building one here as practice, to have a template for future projects, and to future-proof this project should more browsers start to utilize web manifests.
  • Install via npm install gatsby-plugin-manifest
  • Link in the <head> with <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json" /> (in this case, inside <Helmet>, refer to React Helmet for more info).
  • Must be registered and configured in plugins in gatsby-config.js
    • Register: resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-manifest'
    • Configure: options: {} (see here and here for keys).
  • Only name, version, and manifest_version are mandatory keys; all others are optional.
    • name name of the app
    • background-color background color of the app, should correspond to CSS
    • categories see here for a list of current categories
    • description description of the app's purpose and core function
    • icon links the site favicons and provides basic metadata about each
    • lang IETF language tag for the app's language (en-US === American English)
    • orientation preferred screen orientation for viewing the app
    • short_name short version of the app name < 12 characters
    • shortcuts main directories in the website's architecture
    • For some reason keys and values which are strings must be written with double-quotes (single-quotes will throw errors).
  • Full documentation is available here.

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MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Emily Drake Smith

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, ublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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Future Plans

Short Term

  • Continue building out more sections of this file.
    • Instructions for Use, minimal since this page is informational only
    • Developer Notes with information about file structure, interesting bits of code, etc
      • incorporate into Tech Framework?
    • Contribute with license info, permission to reuse, and my own contact information
    • Screenshots page (instructional video too?)
  • Consider a /src/notes directory with .txt files to hold larger bodies of text that don't warrant full markdown-syntax pages. This will greatly simplify updating content text on the website.
  • Topics and sub-topics for Resources page (sub-topics in .md files):
    • General Web Dev Stuff
      • Icon Scout
    • JavaScript
      • Higher-Order Function Reference Page
    • React/Gatsby
      • Net Ninja: React
      • Net Ninja: Gatsby
    • Node
  • Generate in-page hyperlinking in /resources sub-directories to utilize frontmatter data rather than hardcoding into HTML section.

Ice Box

  • Consider generating the element <main> inside pages loaded to the <Layout /> component instead of hardcoded inside it.
    • Each page loaded into <Layout /> needs to have a top-level <div>. Can't use fragments <> </> because I need the top-level <div> to have a class for styling purposes. This feels like an unnecessary wrapper.
  • Split projects into two buckets, Main and Other.
    • Main projects will be shown on the /projects main index page and linked at /projects/project-name
    • The final link div on the /projects index page will be Other Projects with an icon. This will go to another index page at /projects/other listing minor projects not central to my portfolio.
    • The Other Projects page may be a single page or it may display links in the same manner as the /projects index page and link to projects at /projects/other/project-name if that doesn't cause problems for Gatsby.* Add mobile-responsiveness to the design. This will be a goal for shortly after I reach MVP.
  • Add Google Maps to /contact page. Before doing this I need to decide where to deploy my site and see how they configure hidden data (in this case an API key). See here for more information.
  • Add Google Analytics to the website. This should be relatively easy since I already have it set up for my site's previous version.

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Special Thanks

  • I built this website with Gatsby.js, a free single-site generator resource. I used the Hello World starter page which is intended as a truly "blank slate" layout.
  • This is my first independent Gatsby.js project. To learn Gatsby I've followed the extensive documentation from the creators as well as the free Net Ninja Gatsby Tutorial series on YouTube created by the Net Ninja Shaun.
  • This is also my first new project after graduating from General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive program. I'd like to thank my instructors Ben Manley, David Stinson, and Shahzad Khan for their outstanding leadership as well as other graduates from the SEIR-EC-2-22 cohort.
  • Developing a color pallate involved the extensive use of Coolors, a free resource created by Fabrizio Bianchi and checked with ColorSafe for WCAG-compliant contrast ratios to ensure accessibility.
  • I created my favicon for free with the help of, a free utility built by John Sorrentino.
  • Logos for The Net Ninja are re-used with permission from Shaun Pelling, conferred over Twitter.
  • Formatting this file was easy with the help of the Markdown Live Preview tool and GitHub Guide's Mastering Markdown page.
  • I inserted metadata into my page's <head> using React Helmet, a free utility created and maintained by the NFL.
  • The icons used on this site were acquired free from with permission to use so long as proper attribution is provided in documentation.

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Planning & Development Notes

  • I want this to be a React app in the style of a single-page app. I'm using Gatsby both to learn the technology and for the inherent benefits of a static-site generator as well as the relative ease of building out a site, chiefly search-engine optimization and speed for the user. An SSG is optimal for a site that benefits from back-end processessing but has no use for CRUD functionality.

  • I'm planning to use a dark theme that uses bold rather than light colors. I've decided to use a pride color theme. I developed my color palette and saved it to here.

  • I'm currently planning five pages/pathways:

    1. Splash page => / (index page at
      • This will be the main splash page users land on.
      • It will have little functionality aside from a brief introduction and nav to other pages.
    2. About => /about
      • This page will have my picture and personal/professional information about me.
    3. Projects => /projects
      • There will be an index page for this directory and sub-directories.
      • The index page will have links to my major portfolio pieces.
      • Each major portfolio piece will have its own page in the sub-directory.
      • Should I have an entry for this website?
      • There will also be an Other Projects sub-directory with minor projects I want people to see, but don't consider central works.
    4. Contact => /contact
      • All my essential contact information I'm ok publishing to the internet.
      • Google maps showing Columbia, SC?
      • This will be redundant with the same information elsewhere, but I'm ok with that.
    5. Resources => /resources
      • I want to have a page linking to my favorite web dev/engineering resources around the internet.
      • I'll need to see if this is a single page or if it needs sub-directories based on how much stuff I want to list.
      • Include a note to contact me if my resource listings are out of date.
  • Optimally I'd like every page to fully render on a user's monitor with no scrolling. This may be ambitious but this is the goal.

  • I plan to have a single <Layout> wrapper around every page.

  • I don't think I'll need any conditional formatting here except for screen sizes and link clicks.

  • Since this site is primarily meant for professional recruiters and HR professionals who are presumably using desktop workstations, I'm not planning to use mobile-first design. That said, I do intend to add mobile-responsiveness once I reach MVP. This should be relatively easy using CSS Grid.


Version 2.0 of my personal website. Built with Gatsby.js







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