If you use these data please cite
- the original source
Auderset, Sandra, Simon J. Greehnhill, Christian T. DiCanio, Eric W. Campbell. (2023) "Subgrouping in a `dialect continuum': A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the Mixtecan language family". Journal of Language Evolution.
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version you were using
This dataset is licensed under a CC-By-4.0 license
Available online at https://github.com/lexibank/mixtecansubgrouping
- Varieties: 110
- Concepts: 240
- Lexemes: 15,932
- Sources: 42
- Synonymy: 1.03
- Cognacy: 17,876 cognates in 947 cognate sets (336 singletons)
- Cognate Diversity: 0.05
- Invalid lexemes: 0
- Tokens: 80,084
- Segments: 160 (0 BIPA errors, 0 CLTS sound class errors, 157 CLTS modified)
- Inventory size (avg): 33.52
Name | GitHub user | Role | Description |
Sandra Auderset | SAuderset | author | data collection, cognate coding, author |
Johann-Mattis List | LinguList | other | CLDF data conversion, orthography profile creation |
Johannes English | johenglisch | other | CLDF data conversion |
Christoph Rzymski | chrzyki | other | CLDF data conversion |
Eric W. Campbell | other | cognate coding | |
Christian T. DiCanio | other | cognate coding |
The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf:
- CLDF Wordlist at cldf/cldf-metadata.json