Source code of approach, algorithms, and experimental results.
WARNING: running any of the following commands may alter the content of the folder, e.g. deleting/recreating files. Backup the content before execution!
All experiments are executed on a MacOS-X 10.15.7 with Python 3.9, configured via Conda in folder dj-py3.9
$ python3 -m venv dj-py3.9
To activate this environment, use
$ source dj-py3.9/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
To deactivate an active environment, use
$ deactivate
$ source dj-py3.9/bin/activate
$ pip install networkx rdflib graphviz pygraphviz jupyter jupyterlab
$ pip install pandas numpy sklearn transformers gensim aiohttp
$ pip install tensorflow
$ pip install pyrdf2vec==0.1.1
$ pip install papermill
Install Jupyter
The ontology is in folder ontology/datajourneys.ttl
Kernels downloaded from Kaggle: The content of the file is expanded in folder kernels/
The algorithm presented in Listing 1 is implemented in file
The process is divided in two steps:
(dj-py3.8) $ python
generates a datanode representation in DOT format. Output is saved in folderssources/
(python code only from notebboks) andgraphs/
(directed graph in DOT format). The first includes the source code extracted from the notebook and thegraphs/
folder includes the generated datanode graphs in DOT format.(dj-py3.8) $ python
reengineers the content to RDF. Output is saved in folderrdf/
The rdf/
folder includes the datanode graphs extracted.
The Frequent Activity Table (FAT) is produced running the following SPARQL query on a Triple Store containing all the RDF files generated in the previous step.
The triple store used is Blazegraph, in folder blazegraph/
- Load the RDF files with script
cd blazegraph && ./
- Start blazegraph:
$ java -jar -Xmx4G blazegraph.jar
, UI can be accessed from the browser (follow the instructions in terminal) - The Frequent Activity Table (FAT) is generated with a SPARQL query counting the number of occurrences of the properties in the graph:
SELECT ?arc (COUNT(*) as ?count)
[] ?arc []
group by ?arc
order by desc(?count)
The Frequent Activity Table (FAT) annotated with activity types was produced with a Google Spreadsheet, accessible at this URL:
Rules are generated with notebook Process ARCS rules.ipynb. SPARQL Construct queries are reported in file
. -
The training dataset is then produced by querying the triple store for instances of the arcs reported in Table 2, using the following SPARQL query:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX dj: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?Notebook ?Node ?Arc ?Label ?Team
BIND ( STRBEFORE(SUBSTR(STR(?Node), 27), "#") AS ?Notebook ) .
{ BIND(dj:print as ?Arc) . BIND(":Visualisation" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:append as ?Arc) . BIND(":Preparation" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:plot as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Visualisation" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:Add as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Preparation" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:importedBy as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Reuse" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:read_csv as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Movement" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:to_csv as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Movement" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:predict as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Analysis" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:tanh as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Analysis" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:subplots as ?Arc) . BIND("T2" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Visualisation" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:iteratorOf as ?Arc) . BIND("T2" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Preparation" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:_argToVar as ?Arc) . BIND("T2" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Reuse" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:copy as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Movement" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
{ BIND(dj:fit as ?Arc) . BIND("T1" AS ?Team) . BIND(":Analysis" AS ?Label) . ?Node ?Arc [] . }
The output is saved in file MultiClassification.csv
(please note that the Team column was not used in the final experiments, as we opted for random sampling).
The model used in the machine learning application step was produced by configuring the MultiClassificationExperiments.ipynb notebook with the best performing parameters (see next section). The used model is available: ./models/MLPClassifier_2_1000_rdf2vec.clf
To re-build the models, execute the script
Experiments are prepared with Python 3.8 installed via PyEnv in folder dj-py3.8
and executed with Papermill through a bash script on a MacOS-X.
The experiment is designed in Notebook MultiClassificationExperiments.ipynb.
The training file is MultiClassification.csv
Parameters are:
rdf2vec | bertcodetest_regime
1 | 2input_size
number of notebooks
The script for reproduction is
. We report one line of the script, for explanatory purposes:
for i in {1..10}; do papermill MultiClassificationExperiments.ipynb "./experiments_output/MultiClassificationExperiments_rdf2vec_r1_s10_i$i.ipynb" -p emb_method rdf2vec -p test_regime 1 -p input_size 10 -p output_file MultiClassificationExperiments.csv; done
The script repeats the experiments with different parameters: 10 to 200 randomly choosen notebooks, embedding method rdf2vec
or bertcode
and test regime 1
or 2
Results are saved to file MultiClassificationExperiments.csv.
Results can be explored and analysed in AnalyseResultsMulti.ipynb.
This phase is performed in notebook DataJourneyGenerator.ipynb. This notebook was executed on each of the input notebook (see script
). Output is in folder datajourneys/
The resulting notebooks are in folder datajourneys/
. The guide example discussed in the paper is reported in the following files:
- random-forests: digraph generated in the first step of Datanode graph extraction
- random-forests.png: the datanode graph without activity annotations (before running the FAR)
- random-forests_DN.digraph: the datanode graph with activity annotations (after running the FAR) -- Digraph
- random-forests_DN.png: the datanode graph with activity annotations (after running the FAR) -- PNG image
- random-forests_DN.svg: the datanode graph with activity annotations (after running the FAR) -- SVG image
- random-forests_DJ.digraph: the digraph representation of the output Activity Graph
- random-forests_DJ.png: a graph representation of the output Activity Graph -- PNG image
- random-forests_DJ.svg: a graph representation of the output Activity Graph -- SVG image
- random-forests.ttl: the complete Data Journey (datanode graph + activity graph)
The same files are available for each one of the Notebooks used in our experiments, in the datajourneys/
Statistics are collected from the data files in datajourneys/
with the script
. The data reported in the paper is in compression_rate.csv
The diagram in the paper was produced with a Google Spreadsheet, accessible at this link: