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Device Construction

Eoin Fennessy edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 1 revision

Clever Cat feeder device

The prototype feeder device is constructed using the following electronic components:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 model B
  • High Torque MG996R Servo Motor
  • Pi camera module
  • Breadboard, jumper cables and some buttons (for testing construction)

The servo motor is attached to a rotating cup (an old plastic moisturiser tub with the bottom cut off and lid glued on) that surrounds a cylindrical hopper (a coffee tin). The servo motor has a loose attachment to the lid of the tub allowing for some play that helps prevent the motor seizing up in the event of a blockage.

The hopper has a rectangular dispenser hole (~5cm width x ~4cm length) cut into the lower side of the cylinder. The cup also has a dispenser hole cut into it that exposes the hopper's hole when the cup is rotated. The edge of the cup-hole that covers the hopper's hole when closing is cut at an angle of 45 degrees to minimise the possibility of blockages when closing.

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