Quick and dirty way to automate costing estimation calculations for Azure using Azure Calculator API.
Install-Module -Name AzureCalc
Simple set of examplese
Get-AzureCalcPrice -Size A4v2 -Region asia-pacific-southeast, canada-east, us-east, us-west | ft -AutoSize
Get-AzureCalcPrice -Type Windows -Size a4v2 -Region asia-pacific-east, europe-west, us-east | ft -AutoSize
More complex variants
Get-AzureCalcPrice -Size F8 -Region australia-east -Tier standard -Type windows | ft -AutoSize
Get-AzureCalcPrice -Size F2 -Region australia-east -Tier standard -Type windows | ft -AutoSize
Get-AzureCalcPrice -CPU (8..16) -RAM (20..40) -Region australia-east -Tier standard -Type windows | sort australia-east | ft -AutoSize
I've added some AWS related data. To use it:
download AWS calc data (for EC2 only) by issuing
Get-AWSOfferData -Path c:\temp\awsdata -Force -PassThru
next step is to import that data into global variable. you can also use -PassThru parameter to save the reference to a variable
Import-AWSOfferDataFile -Path c:\temp\awsdata
and now you can search
Get-AWSCalcPrice -CPU 8 -RAM (8..32) -Region 'us-east-1'