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An Interactive ncurses Client for HAProxy


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HATop - An Interactive ncurses Client for HAProxy

HATop is an interactive ncurses client and real-time monitoring, statistics displaying tool for the HAProxy TCP/HTTP load balancer.

HATop's appearance is similar to top(1). It supports various modes for detailed statistics of all configured proxies and services in near realtime. In addition, it features an interactive CLI for the haproxy unix socket. This allows administrators to control the given haproxy instance (change server weight, put servers into maintenance mode, ...) directly out of hatop and monitor the results immediately.

It is important to understand that when multiple haproxy processes are started on the same socket, any process may pick up the request and thus hatop will output stats owned solely by that process. The current haproxy-internal process id is displayed top right.


See INSTALL or refer to :ref:`install`

Command line options

Invoking hatop without options or with -h / --help results in:

$ hatop --help
Usage: hatop (-s SOCKET| -t HOST:PORT) [OPTIONS]...

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    -s SOCKET, --unix-socket=SOCKET
                        path to the haproxy unix socket
    -t TCP_SOCKET, --tcp-socket=TCP_SOCKET
                        address of the haproxy tcp stats socket

    -i INTERVAL, --update-interval=INTERVAL
                        update interval in seconds (1-30, default: 3)
    -m MODE, --mode=MODE
                        start in specific mode (1-5, default: 1)
    -n, --read-only     disable the cli and query for stats only

    Note: All filter options may be given multiple times.

    -f FILTER, --filter=FILTER
                        stat filter in format "<iid> <type> <sid>"
    -p PROXY, --proxy=PROXY
                        proxy filter in format "<pxname>"

Display mode reference

See also: :ref:`screenshots`

ID  Mode    Description

1   STATUS  The default mode with health, session and queue statistics
2   TRAFFIC Display connection and request rates as well as traffic stats
3   HTTP    Display various statistical information related to HTTP
4   ERRORS  Display health info, various error counters and downtimes
5   CLI     Display embedded command line client for the unix socket

Keybind reference

See also: :ref:`keybinds`

Key             Action

Hh?             Display this help screen
CTRL-C / Qq     Quit

TAB             Cycle mode forwards
SHIFT-TAB       Cycle mode backwards
ALT-n / ESC-n   Switch to mode n, where n is the numeric mode id
ESC-ESC         Jump to previous mode

ENTER           Display hotkey menu for selected service
SPACE           Copy and paste selected service identifier to the CLI

You can scroll the stat views using UP / DOWN / PGUP / PGDOWN / HOME / END.

The reverse colored cursor line is used to select a given service instance.

An unique identifier [#<iid>/<#sid>] of the selected service is displayed bottom right.

You can hit SPACE to copy and paste the identifier in string format pxname/svname to the CLI for easy re-use with some commands.

For example:

  1. Open the CLI
  2. Type "disable server "
  3. Switch back to some stat view using TAB / SHIFT-TAB
  4. Select the server instance using UP / DOWN
  5. Hit SPACE

The result is this command line:

> disable server <pxname>/<svname>

Hotkeys for common administrative actions

Hotkey      Action
F1          Enable server on all backends (return from maintenance mode)
F2          Disable server on all backends (put into maintenance mode)
F3          Drain server on all backends (prepare for maintenance mode, don't allow new connections)

F4          Restore initial server weight

F5          Decrease server weight:     - 10
F6          Decrease server weight:     -  1
F7          Increase server weight:     +  1
F8          Increase server weight:     + 10

F9          Enable server on one backend (return from maintenance mode)
F10         Disable server on one backend (put into maintenance mode)
F11         Drain server on one backend (prepare for maintenance mode, don't allow new connections)

Hotkey actions and server responses are logged on the CLI viewport.

You can scroll the output on the CLI view using PGUP / PGDOWN.

A brief keybind reference is logged there directly after startup...

Header reference

See also: :ref:`screenshots`

Node        configured name of the haproxy node
Uptime      runtime since haproxy was initially started
Pipes       pipes are currently used for kernel-based tcp slicing
Procs       number of haproxy processes
Tasks       number of actice process tasks
Queue       number of queued process tasks (run queue)
Proxies     number of configured proxies
Services    number of configured services

In multiple modes

NAME        name of the proxy and its services
W           configured weight of the service
STATUS      service status (UP/DOWN/NOLB/MAINT/MAINT(via)...)
CHECK       status of last health check (see status reference below)

In STATUS mode

ACT         server is active (server), number of active servers (backend)
BCK         server is backup (server), number of backup servers (backend)
QCUR        current queued requests
QMAX        max queued requests
SCUR        current sessions
SMAX        max sessions
SLIM        sessions limit
STOT        total sessions


LBTOT       total number of times a server was selected
RATE        number of sessions per second over last elapsed second
RLIM        limit on new sessions per second
RMAX        max number of new sessions per second
BIN         bytes in (IEEE 1541-2002)
BOUT        bytes out (IEEE 1541-2002)

In HTTP mode

RATE        HTTP requests per second over last elapsed second
RMAX        max number of HTTP requests per second observed
RTOT        total number of HTTP requests received
1xx         number of HTTP responses with 1xx code
2xx         number of HTTP responses with 2xx code
3xx         number of HTTP responses with 3xx code
4xx         number of HTTP responses with 4xx code
5xx         number of HTTP responses with 5xx code
?xx         number of HTTP responses with other codes (protocol error)

In ERRORS mode

CF          number of failed checks
CD          number of UP->DOWN transitions
CL          last status change
ECONN       connection errors
EREQ        request errors
ERSP        response errors
DREQ        denied requests
DRSP        denied responses
DOWN        total downtime

Health check status reference

UNK         unknown
INI         initializing
SOCKERR     socket error
L4OK        check passed on layer 4, no upper layers testing enabled
L4TMOUT     layer 1-4 timeout
L4CON       layer 1-4 connection problem, for example
            "Connection refused" (tcp rst) or "No route to host" (icmp)
L6OK        check passed on layer 6
L6TOUT      layer 6 (SSL) timeout
L6RSP       layer 6 invalid response - protocol error
L7OK        check passed on layer 7
L7OKC       check conditionally passed on layer 7, for example 404 with
L7TOUT      layer 7 (HTTP/SMTP) timeout
L7RSP       layer 7 invalid response - protocol error
L7STS       layer 7 response error, for example HTTP 5xx


HATop was originally written by John Feuerstein <[email protected]>, known on GitHub as @feurix.

As of 2020, however, support for Python 2.x is being phased out of modern distributions of Linux, the last code interaction on the upstream repository (<>) is from over four years ago, and no issue or pull request has been able to elicit a response from the author.

As of February 29th (2020), I have forked this repository into my own GitHub org, at <>, with the intent of merging some of the upstream pull requests, and continuing ongoing maintenance of this tool.

I have been an avid user of HATop since I first discovered it many many years ago, and would like to continue to be able to use it for many many more.


The following people have contributed to HATop:

  • Andrew Hayworth
  • Cyril Bonté
  • James Hunt
  • John Feuerstein
  • Louis Charreau
  • Matt Behrens


An Interactive ncurses Client for HAProxy







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