The deployment in VirtualBox is the same.
- Download latest version of UTM
- browse gallery to have a image setup, we select ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- The arm64 ISO image can be dowloaded from
- During import and setup from ISO, select settings with all default (64GB disk space, 4096MB RAM, default cores ...)
- create a new network setting with type "Emulated VLAN" and forward port 22 to 2200 of localhost so you can ssh to VM from localhost.
In order to ssh to the virtual machine to run commands through ansible. You can config ssh (in your local machine) with:
Host mse468
User max
Port 2200
The default aiida user is granted with the sudo permission and the password is
. -
To reboot, remember to unmount the image and boot again.
Install ubuntu desktop
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
sudo reboot
In the localhost (control machine)
- install the ansible
- Create a conda env for ansible deployment
conda create -n ansible-mse python=3.9
- Install ansible with
pip install ansible ansible-core
- (option) autocompletion setup for ansible commands.
- For simplicity, using
and prompt for password, we already haveaiida
user setup. runansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook.yml -kK -vv
. - commont out install of singularity, not needed and cause the source error, (the GPG key using the one for amd64 arch.)
- the repo is in
- If you see "Failed to access data from shortcut", try the methods from utmapp/UTM#3774