To make a release to s3, a release branch (and pull request) is made in which the release happens, and then the branch is merged to its target
Update submodules:
git submodule foreach git pull origin
change to the product plugin directory:
cd org.csstudio.product
Update versions of the plugins and splash screens (optional, add information to product changelog), and commit and tag with version:
./ 3.3.1 "" "" "First release of single product"
./prepare-release 3.3.1
then, push to release branch:
git push origin master:release_3.3.1
make pull request from the github webpage to master or frozen branch (ie. 3.3.x). Don't merge yet.
make sure passes all tests, then push tag (which will start release/upload to s3, even though pull request has not been merged)
git push origin CSS-3.3.1
after release, add snapshot versions, and push to pull request
./prepare-next-release 3.3.1
git push origin master:release_3.3.1
when all tests pass, merge pull request to target branch