This gem was born out of a desire to test the schedule for tasks being scheduled with Whenever. Not to test if Whenever can generate the proper CRON schedule, but to test whether I can generate the proper config/schedule.rb
. It turns out I can't sometimes.
Add this to you gemfile:
gem "shoulda-whenever", git: '[email protected]:epigenesys/shoulda-whenever.git'
Create a new schedule to be tested at config/schedule.rb
(or anywhere really, but for the sake of the README, that's where it is):
every :friday, at: "12:00 PM" do
runner "Notifier.send_team_lunch_email"
Create a new test file for testing your schedule, perhaps something like spec/schedule_spec.rb
describe "Schedule" do
include Shoulda::Whenever
let(:whenever) { File.join(Rails.root, "config", "schedule.rb").to_s) }
it "sends out the team lunch reminder email every friday at noon" do
expect(whenever).to schedule("Notifier.send_team_lunch_email").every(:friday).at("12:00 PM")
If you need to check the task output is sent to a specific email address.
every :monday, at: "07:00 AM", mailto: "[email protected]" do
runner "Notifier.send_good_morning_email"
it "sends out good morning emails every monday at 7:00" do
expect(whenever).to schedule("Notifier.send_good_morning_email").every(:monday).at("07:00 AM").with_mailto("[email protected]")
If you need to check the task is set for specific roles.
every :monday, at: "07:00 AM", roles: [:web] do
runner "Notifier.send_good_morning_email"
it "sends out good morning emails every monday at 7:00 on web servers" do
expect(whenever).to schedule("Notifier.send_good_morning_email").every(:monday).at("07:00 AM").with_roles([:web])