ChuckT is a client (browser) JavaScript library for triggering and/or listening to events over the SockJS websocket API. This client is intended to be used in conjunction with a server-side implementation:
ChuckT is inspired in part by both the socket-io event system as well as the core EventEmitter in node.js.
Include the chuckjs client library:
<script src="chuckt.js"></script>
Make your SockJS socket communicate in chuckt:
var sock = new SockJS('');
var chuckt = epixa.chucktify(sock);
If you intend to receive non-chuckt messages through your socket, then instantiate ChuckT directly:
var sock = new SockJS('');
var chuckt = new epixa.ChuckT(sock);
sock.onmessage = function(e) {
chuckt.process(; // will ignore the message if not chuckt
// .. your own message handling here
chuckt.on('some-event', function(foo) {
Note: A backend event may pass any number of arguments to frontend listeners.
You can pass any number of arguments as well as a callback function:
chuckt.emit('another-event', 'arg1', 'arg2', function() {
console.log('backend acknowledged event receipt');
You can also emit events without any arguments at all:
chuckt.emit('another-event-2', function() {
console.log('backend acknowledged event receipt');
The backend can pass arguments to the callback too:
chuckt.emit('another-event-3', function(foo, bar) {
console.log(foo, bar); // will exist if the backend passes them
Of course you can also just fire off an event and forget it: