Demonstration of several neural networks with the use of Python (Without Third-Party Frameworks)
This back-propagation (ANN) implementation is designed to handle two inputs and produce a single output.
The width (number of nodes) of the single hidden layer can be configured accordingly.
The example demo of this ANN is to predict the function output of:
4\cdot(5\sin{x}) + 2y^2
With a range from 1 to 10
for both inputs.
Prediction of different target functions can also be made available provided that the updated training data is feed correctly to the model.
- Numpy
- Pandas
- csv_writer
Normalization used in this specific implementation is the min-max
Several functions declared in the Generic_Neural_Network
class are depicted below:
forward(self, X):
//Take in X and progpagate through the network in a feed-forward fashion
backward(self, X, y, o):
//Calculate deltas and adjust weights.
sigmoid(self, s):
//Calculate the sigmoid value of parameter s.
sigmoidPrime(self, s):
//Calculate the derivative of the sigmoid function with parameter s.
train(self, X, y):
//Define the flow of the ANN network.
For more info, check the Word document
in the same directory for details on function declaration and data processing methods.