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Showcasing my atrociously slow progress of plowing through leetcode questions in CPP.

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LeetCode Progress C++

Showcasing my atrociously slow progress of plowing through leetcode questions in CPP.

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Finished Problems

Generic badge Sub-Total: 47

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
27 Remove Element 1/30 2/27 V
35 Search Insert Position 1/31 V
66 Plus One 2/2
88 Merge Sorted Array 2/3 V
118 Pascal's-Triangle 2/4
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 2/5
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted 2/6 V
217 Contains-Duplicate 2/7
1480 Running Sum of 1d Array 3/10
1431 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies 3/10
1470 Shuffle the Array 3/10
414 Third Maximum Number 3/10 sets
1672 Richest Customer Wealth 3/12
724* Find Pivot Index 3/12 cannot reset left, right
1512 Number of Good Pairs 3/20
896 Monotonic Array 3/20
1365* How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number 3/23 Create lookup table O(n)
1* Two Sum 3/23 Unordered map and find()
1773* Count Items Matching a Rule 3/24 Lambda functions and count_if()
1313* Decompress Run-Length Encoded List 3/25 vector.insert()
1389* Create Target Array in the Given Order 3/26 vector.insert() or swap()
1486 XOR Operation in an Array 3/28
1588 Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays 3/28
1534 Count Good Triplets 3/30
999 Available Captures for Rook 3/30
1732 Find the Highest Altitude 3/31
1266 Minimum Time Visiting All Points 3/31
1252 Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix 4/12
1295 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits 4/12
832 Flipping an Image 4/12
463* Island Perimeter 4/16 Perimeter math
73* Set Matrix Zeroes 5/14 O(1) Space (Last row)
238* Product of Array Except Self 5/20 O(n) Time (2 pointer)
48* Rotate Image 6/9 Rotation geometry V
11* Container With Most Water 6/11 2 Pointers
33* Search in Rotated Sorted Array 6/12 2 Pointers V
3* Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 6/28 Sliding window V
15* 3Sum 7/10 2 Pointers V
16* 3Sum Closet 7/10 2 Pointers V
18* 4Sum 7/10 2 Pointers V
26* Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 7/13 2 Pointers V
80* Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II 9/3 2 Pointers V
136* Single Number 9/12 XOR V
162* Find Peak Element 9/18 Binary Search V
137* Single Number II 9/18 Count sum of bits for each digit V
155* Min Stack 9/15 Stack of pairs V
169* Majority Element 10/8 Boyer-Moore voting algorithm V

Generic badge Sub-Total: 8

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
771 Jewels and Stones 4/15
1748 Sum of Unique Elements 4/15
961 N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array 4/16 unordered_set
1207 Unique Number of Occurrences 4/16 uset + umap
811* Subdomain Visit Count 4/16 stoi, string::find()
1002* Find Common Characters 4/16 2 Hash Tables (vector)
347* Top K Frequent Elements 6/7 bucket sort (reverse vector)
49* Group Anagrams 7/22 sort entry to place into bucket V

Generic badge Sub-Total: 12

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
2 Add Two Numbers 2/8
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 2/8 5/17 Recursive
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 2/9 2/28 V
141 Linked List Cycle 2/10 2/28 Fast + Slow V
23 Merge K Sorted Lists 3/10 Priority Queue V
206** Reverse Linked List 5/17 Recursive/Graphical V
148** Sort List 5/18 Merge Sort Recursive V
143* Reorder List 6/7 Recursive
19* Remove Nth Node From End of List 7/12 Fast + Slow V
82* Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 9/4 V
83* Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II 9/4 V
142* Linked List Cycle II 9/13 Floyd's Algorithm V

Generic badge Sub-Total: 15

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 2/11 5/16
100 Same Tree 2/11 Recursive
101 Symmetric Tree 2/11 Recursive
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 2/13 BFS + queue
107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 2/13 5/14 BFS + queue / DFS
872 Leaf-Similar Trees 2/13 Recursive
530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST 2/17 In-Order
700 Search in a Binary Search Tree 2/18 In-Order
589* N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal 3/6 Pre-Order + iterative stack
938 Range Sum of BST 4/17 In-Order
617* Merge Two Binary Trees 4/18 In-Order + new()
897* Increasing Order Search Tree 4/19 In-Order + new()
1022* Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers 4/19 In-Order + pop sequence
95* Unique Binary Search Trees II 5/16 Recursive Solution
208* Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 9/19 Recursive Struct (like AST)

Generic badge Sub-Total: 22

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
733* Flood Fill 2/15
547* Number of Provinces 2/16
841* Keys and Rooms 2/16
207* Course Schedule 2/17 topological sort
39* Combination Sum 2/22 V
687* Longest Univalue Path 5/2
104* Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 5/3
108* Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 5/4
114** Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 5/6
257* Binary Tree Paths 5/10
199* Binary Tree Right Side View 5/11
491* Increasing Subsequences 5/12
109* Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 5/14
128* Longest Consecutive Sequence 6/6 unordered_set
297* Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 6/6 stringstream
417* Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 6/13
17* Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 7/10 V
40* Combination Sum II 7/14 V
46* Permutations 7/21 V
78* Subsets 8/28 V
90* Subsets II 9/9 V
1239* Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters 9/26 V

Generic badge Sub-Total: 10

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
53* Maximum Subarray 2/1 i = max(i*m, i) V
121* Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock I 2/5
746* Min Cost Climbing Stairs 3/2 i += i-1 + i-2
279* Perfect Squares 5/13 min(i, i- JxJ)
309* Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 5/13 FSM
152* Maximum Product Subarray 6/14 i = max(i*m, i) and swap
5* Longest Palindromic Substring 6/30 4 patterns: a aa aba abba V
55* Jump Game 7/26 V
62* Unique Paths 7/26 V
70* Climbing Stairs 7/27 V

Generic badge Sub-Total: 3

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
22* Generate Parentheses 5/15 Recursion V
13* Roman to Integer 5/16 Unordered Map
20* Valid Parentheses 7/12 Stack V

Generic badge Sub-Total: 4

Number Title Init Date Review Date Special Notes
7* Reverse Integer 6/30 Overflow check V
9* Palindrome Number 7/8 V
69* Sqrt(x) 7/27 Binary Search V
67* Add Binary 9/26 V

Total: 121

This page will be updated tentatively upon completion of solving more problems.

Last Update: 9/26/2021


Showcasing my atrociously slow progress of plowing through leetcode questions in CPP.





