generated using Luminus version "3.91"
To deploy latest to heroku: git push heroku master
To run migrations in heroku: heroku run java -cp target/uberjar/clj-blog.jar clojure.main -m clj-blog.core migrate
create a new migration: lein repl (create-migration "migration-name")
migrate lein run migrate or [from lein repl]: (migrate)
rollback lein run rollback
To build the database container:
docker-compose -f blog.yaml up -d ~/Projects/clj-blog
To open interactive terminal env for PSQL:
docker exec -it full-stack-blogdb-1 psql -U postgres
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein run
To start build the front end with shadow-cljs, run:
npx shadow-cljs watch app
To debug routes with swagger:
According to shadow-cljs docs, many libraries don't specify dependencies in a way that is meaningful to shadow-cljs and so the specific versions required by each library used must be installed at command line via "npm install..."
- This requires some hopping around in Github to find which specific versions need to be installed.
- Another shadow issue is that the nrepl port won't die sometimes..... DO THIS - KILL IT: kill -9 $(lsof -ti:7772)