In this repository, I host the code associated with my Medium posts.
- Lorenz-63 System Integration Using 4th Order Runge-Kutta Methods in Python
- File: RK4-Lorenz63.ipynb
- Python Guide: Building a Reservoir Computer from Scratch
- File: reservoir_computer.ipynb
- Implementing Sentiment Analysis on X Data with DistilBERT and Huggingface: A Comprehensive Guide
- Mastering RNNs for Stock Prediction: TensorFlow & Python Tutorial
- File: SBUX_predictor.ipynb
- Accelerating Materials Discovery with Deep Learning using PyTorch: Band - gap Prediction
- File: Band_Gap_Predictor.ipynb
- Approximating Sine Functions with Neural Networks: A Deep Learning Tutorial
- File: FFNN-regression.ipynb