A Notepad++ Python Scriping Plugin implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. Converts Markdown to HTML See: http://packages.python.org/Markdown/
Version 1.0
- Copy Markdown.py to *\plugins\PythonScript\scripts* in your NPP folder
- Copy the markdown folder to *\plugins\PythonScript\lib* in your NPP folder
- Restart NPP. It will now appear as a menu item under Plugins...Python Script...Scripts
- Select the text to process, or select nothing.
- Go to the NPP menu, Plugins...Python Script...Scripts...Markdown and click!
- If selected text is detected, will process and replace the selected text, otherwise the entire contents of current document.
- Undo is available if you dont like the results
##Credits John Gruber - Markdown - http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ The Python Markdown Project - http://packages.python.org/Markdown/