This is a header-only c++20 library for running the Knuth-Bendix procedure with different rule lookup strategies. Lookup strategies must expose member functions for inserting and removing rules, and rewriting strings. Three such strategies are implemented by default: - KnuthBendix::NaiveLookup which simply checks every active rule, - KnuthBendix::OrderedLookup which stores rules in reverse lexicographic order to find suffixes using a binary search - KnuthBendix::TrieLookup which can find prefixes in time linear to the length of the string
The implementation of the procedure itself is based on the code outlined in Computation with Finitely Presented Groups.
#include <vector>
#include <KnuthBendix/knuth_bendix.hpp>
#include <KnuthBendix/trie_lookup.hpp>
std::vector<KnuthBendix::Rule> initial_rules {
KnuthBendix::Rule("aa", ""),
KnuthBendix::Rule("bbb", ""),
KnuthBendix::Rule("ababab", "")
std::vector<KnuthBendix::Rule> confluent =
Compile with:
g++ file.cpp -Ipath/to/KnuthBendix --std=c++20 -O3
The examples and tests can be built and using make examples
and make tests
. A compiler supporting the c++20 standard must be installed.
This is not being actively developed, but contributions are welcome.