The ev3devcmd package delivers
- the ev3devcmd library delivering the commands {list,upload,start,download,delete,cleanup,install_additions,softreset,stop}
- the ev3dev command-line tool wrapping the ev3devcmd library for easy access on the command-line
The ev3devcmd library lets you integrate support for the EV3 into an IDE. For example with the Thonny IDE you
can install the thonny-ev3dev plugin which uses the ev3devcmd library to implement support for the EV3. The plugin adds
buttons like "upload program", or "download the log" which behind the scene use the ev3devcmd library.
The ev3dev command-line tool lets you use the functionality of the ev3devcmd library on the command-line without using any IDE.
The ev3devcmd package plugin assumes by default that you use USB tethering mode on the ev3 with the default ev3dev credentials to connect with usb cable to the ev3:
The reason for using usb tethering is the fixed ip= Once setup you can allows access the EV3 brick by just connect the usb cable and you can just connect using this ip address. For more details about usb tethering mode see:
However you can also use a different ip,user and password with ev3devcmd package if you have a different setup for the ev3 brick. You can configure this with the three environment variables EV3IP, EV3USERNAME and EV3PASSWORD.
The ev3dev command-line program uses the ev3devcmd library to make it possible to upload/start/download/delete/cleanup programs from the EV3 using a command shell on your PC.
The ev3dev command-line programs support for each action of upload/start/download/delete a sub-command.
To list all sub-commands run:
$ ev3dev --help
usage: ev3dev [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
Commands to upload/start/download/delete/cleanup programs on the EV3
Complete documentation at:
positional arguments:
list list all files in homedir on EV3
upload upload file to homedir on EV3
download download file from homedir on EV3
delete delete a file in homedir on EV3
cleanup delete all files in homedir on EV3
mirror mirror sourcedir into homedir on EV3. Also subdirs are
mirrored, and all other files within homedir but not
in sourcedir are removed.
start start program on EV3; program must already be on EV3's
stop stop program/motors/sound on EV3
install_logging install ev3devlogging package on the EV3 when just
having installed a newly installed ev3dev image
install rpyc server on the EV3 when just having
installed a newly installed ev3dev image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
network address of EV3. Can also be set with EV3IP
environment variable.
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
username used to login with ssh on EV3. Can also be
set with EV3USERNAME environment variable.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
password used to login with ssh on EV3. Can also be
set with EV3PASSWORD environment variable.
To list help for a specific sub-command use the '--help' option after the sub-command. Eg.
$ ev3dev upload --help
usage: ev3dev upload [-h] [-f] file
upload file to homedir on EV3
positional arguments:
file source path on pc; destination path on EV3 is
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force overwrite file if already exist