A Terraform module for creating a Lambda Function that takes automatic snapshots of of all connected EBS volumes of correspondingly tagged instances. The function is triggered via a CloudWatch event that can be freely configured by a cron expression.
Refer to variables.tf for all inputs with descriptions and defaults.
Default outputs are aws_iam_role_arn
with the value of the created IAM role for the Lambda function and the lambda_function_name
RETENTION_DAYS setting is a count of unique days, not merely a time-based cut-off relative to now. As a result, if this module is disabled for a day, but is enabled the next day, it will only remove the one oldest day of snapshots, not two days.
In your Terrafom main.tf
call the module with the required variables.
module "ebs_bckup" {
// It is recommended that you lock "ref" to a specific release version
source = "git::https://github.com/evergage/ebs_bckup.git?ref=v1.4"
EC2_INSTANCE_TAG_NAME = "environment"
unique_name = "v2"
stack_prefix = "ebs_snapshot"
cron_expression = "45 1 * * ? *"
regions = ["eu-west-1", "eu-central-1"]
timeout = 120
You must add a release "v1.#" tag pointing at the latest changes, if the changes are complete and releasable.