Serverless solution to creating Voucher for Maker contract and uploading nft metadata to Arweave blockchain
The solution base on AWS lambda with serverless framework
First of all install serverless and python dependencies
$ npm install
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to deploy the function, you need to run the following command:
$ serverless deploy
After successful deployment, you can invoke the deployed function by using the following command:
$ serverless invoke --function <function name>
You can invoke function locally by using the following command:
$ serverless invoke local --function <function name>
or you can run your function locally:
$ serverless offline
- node: 16.13.1
- python: 3.7.9
- virtualenv: 20.13.2
- pip: 20.1.1
- npm: 8.1.2
- docker: 20.10.17
- serverless:
- framework core: 3.21.0
- plugin: 6.2.2
- sdk: 4.3.2