A Clojure library for constructing virtual DOMs using virtual-dom.
[vdom "0.2.1-SNAPSHOT"]
Then require vdom.core
After installing Node modules with npm install
, build the Javascript files by running make
The primary interface for vdom is the renderer
function in vdom.core
. Call it with a DOM element to get a function that renders a tree of Clojure data into HTML within that element.
For example,
(let [render (vdom.core/renderer js/document.body)]
(render [:div {} "Hello, world"]))
To update the HTML, call the render function again with a different argument.
Vdom is based on virtual-dom, with a transparent mapping between Clojure data structures and the virtual-dom functions VNode
, VText
, and svg
For example, the Clojure tree
[:div {:id "root" :className "test"}
[:span {} "Hello, "]
[:span {} "world"]]
is equivalent to the JavaScript
new VNode('div', {id: 'root', className: 'test'}, [
VNode('span', {}, VText('Hello, ')),
VNode('span', {}, VText('world'))
new VText("Hello, world"));
Any children that are seqs are flattened, allowing, for instance,
[:ul {}
(for [i (range 1 6)]
[:li {} i])]
which produces the HTML
Vdom handles SVG nodes transparently, so long as an svg
node is part of the tree. Descendant nodes of svg
are constructed with the virtual-hyperscript/svg
function rather than VNode
. Descendants of a foreignObject
tag are constructed with VNode
To get the actual DOM element in your UI tree, include in a node's attributes a virtual-dom hook. Provide a value by calling vdom.hooks/hook
with a function that takes a DOM node. For instance,
[:input {:hookFocus (vdom.hooks/hook (fn [node] (.focus node)))}]