[Our app is a view to text app where the user will point their camera to text they see via newspaper or sign and in a textbox below it will transcribe said text to user.]
[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]
- Category: Lifestyle/Productivity/Accessibility
- Mobile: [eyespeak] utilizes your camera
- Story: we're giving the visually impaired the chance to view the text around them
- Market: those with low vision
- Habit: the app COULD be habit forming or just used once or twice. the usuage depends on the user and their visual capabilities
- Scope:
Required Features
- Translating text from the camera cross-languages: the application uses OCR to capture text from a camera and translate it into the language selected by the user.
- Giving voice responses: the application reads out the translated text using a voice selected by the user.
Stretch Features
- Color schemes and styles for color blindness (deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia)
- Fully navigable by voice (menus, functions, selections, etc.)
- [list first screen here]
- [log in/register screen]
- ...
- [list second screen here]
- [log in to camera/textbox or registration]
- ...
- [list third screen here]
- [camera/textbox or profile]
- ...
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- [fill out your first tab]
- [fill out your second tab]
- [fill out your third tab]
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- [list first screen here]
- [list screen navigation here]
- ...
- [list second screen here]
- [list screen navigation here]
- ...
[Add picture of your hand sketched wireframes in this section]
Android Eyespeak Text Recognition
Android Eyespeak - Final Demo