I like to do projects, but it's hard for me to keep track of them so I can finish them before I become passionate for a new one. Here is my attempt to have a better picture of the situation
- Arbitrary Style Transfer https://gitlab.com/ezalos/StyleMirror
- ✔️ Deeplearning library in Keras-like format https://github.com/ezalos/NotYetSelfAware
- ✔️ C elegens research: https://gitlab.com/nemateam/c-elegans
- ✔️ Donkey Car competition: https://github.com/JBarmentlo/Self-Aware-Driving-Patate
- ✔️ Machine Learning courses: https://github.com/ezalos/DataMining
- ✔️ ReinforcemaDeep Queue Network for CartPole: https://github.com/ezalos/1st_DQN
- ✔️ Linear Regression: https://github.com/ezalos/ft_linear_regression
- ✔️ AlphaZero for Connect 4: https://github.com/ezalos/Rhinoforcement
- ✔️ Research papers I'm interested in: https://github.com/ezalos/knowledge
- HuggingFace tutorial: https://github.com/ezalos/VisageCalin
- Coursera NLP: https://github.com/ezalos/NLP_learning
- ✔️ 42AI Bootcamp of Machine Learning: https://github.com/ezalos/BootCamp_ML
- ✔️ Andrew Ng courses: https://github.com/ezalos/Andrew_Ng_DL
- 42AI Maths Bootcamp: https://github.com/ezalos/Maths_Pool
- Rust cookbook: https://github.com/ezalos/Rustorial
- ✔️ 42AI Python bootcamp: https://github.com/ezalos/Bootcamp_Python
- LaTeX beginings: https://github.com/ezalos/TexAvery
- Markov Chain tests: https://github.com/ezalos/Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo
- ✔️ Named Entity Recognition: https://github.com/ezalos/Zoomer_TestTech
- First virus: https://github.com/ezalos/Virus_Faminus
- ✔️ Packer: https://github.com/ezalos/PackMan
- ✔️ Capture the flag with penetration testings: https://github.com/ezalos/Boot2Root
- ✔️ Capture the flag with reverse engineering: https://github.com/ezalos/OverRide
- ✔️ Capture the flag with reverse engineering: https://github.com/ezalos/RainFall
- Quine genrator: https://github.com/ezalos/MetamorphPlayground
- Quine reflexion: https://github.com/ezalos/Quine
- ✔️ My own version of malloc https://github.com/ezalos/malloc
- Own version of ping: https://github.com/ezalos/BeerPing
- ✔️ ASM function to be called in C: https://github.com/ezalos/LibASM
- ✔️ ls own implementation (with a snake game): https://github.com/ezalos/ft_ls
- ✔️ libc own implementation: https://github.com/ezalos/libft
- nm own implementation: https://github.com/ezalos/nm
- ✔️ virtual processor: https://github.com/ezalos/Corewar
- ✔️ printf own implementation: https://github.com/ezalos/ft_printf
- ✔️ line by line file reader: https://github.com/ezalos/gnl
- Rubiks cube robot solver https://github.com/ezalos/ClumsyksBot
- ✔️ Knights movements on a chessboard: https://github.com/ezalos/WalkingHorse
- Fractal explorer: https://github.com/ezalos/FdF
- N-Puzzle solver: https://github.com/ezalos/aime-puzzle
- ✔️ Bayes formula usage: https://github.com/ezalos/Bayes
- ✔️ Path finding algorithm: https://github.com/ezalos/lem-in
- Connect 4 player: https://github.com/ezalos/Connect_4
- ✔️ Sorting algorithm: https://github.com/ezalos/Push_swap
- Shiffumi battle arena: https://github.com/ezalos/Shifumi
- Deterministic sudoku solver: https://github.com/ezalos/sudoku
- ✔️ Exact cover problem: https://github.com/ezalos/fill_it
- Linked list playground: https://github.com/ezalos/graph_theory
- ✔️ Feistel cypher: https://github.com/ezalos/Feistel
- Minimal blockchain implementation https://github.com/ezalos/BroChain
- Exploring AES: https://github.com/ezalos/AES_GCM
- ✔️ Genrate a sudoku grid. Some numbers can be fixed by the user: https://github.com/ezalos/Sudate
- ✔️ Webcam feed as ACII text in the terminal: https://github.com/ezalos/TermPics
- ✔️ Small logic game: https://github.com/ezalos/HappyArrows
- ✔️ Second degree equation solver: https://github.com/ezalos/computorv1
- Snake game: https://github.com/ezalos/Snake
- Interacting with research papers: https://github.com/ezalos/Papers
- Instagram scraping: https://github.com/ezalos/ScrapTagram
- ✔️ Wikipedia Scrapper: https://github.com/ezalos/Wikipedia-Scrapper
- Javascript tutorial: https://github.com/ezalos/DotScreen
- Snake in terminal: https://github.com/ezalos/Snake_Terminal
- ✔️ Automatic investent in Memes: https://github.com/ezalos/MemeEconomy
- ReactNative Tutorial: https://github.com/ezalos/ReactNative
- ✔️ 42 pool backups: https://github.com/ezalos/Piscine
- Leek Wars: https://gitlab.com/ezalos/leekcorewar
- ✔️ Some regex https://github.com/ezalos/RegEx
- ✔️ Self setup: https://github.com/ezalos/Setup
- ✔️ Automatic school subscription to project corrections: https://github.com/ezalos/correct_projetc
- ✔️ Python indentation: https://github.com/ezalos/Python_Indentation
- ✔️ Python projects template: https://github.com/ezalos/Python_template
- ✔️ Qarnot wrapper for ease of use: https://github.com/ezalos/Qarnot_Wrapper
- ✔️ Emails as distant control mechanism: https://github.com/ezalos/emails
- ✔️ Neovim setup: https://github.com/ezalos/nvim
- ✔️ C projects template: https://github.com/ezalos/Makegenius
- Bookmarks: https://github.com/ezalos/bk/blob/master/bkk.html
- 42 setup: https://github.com/ezalos/init_42
- ✔️ C profiler: https://github.com/ezalos/time_exe
- ✔️ My website: https://github.com/ezalos/MySith
- HTML and CSS introduction: https://github.com/ezalos/PHP_pool
- ✔️ Android/iOS app: https://github.com/Kipitup/Par-idylle
Legend (which I hope to add later 🤞):
Meaning | Symbol |
Not Started | ⬜ |
In progress | 🚧 |
Finished (depending on the definition of finished) | ✔️ |
Readme done | ⭐ |