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  • variables: a container that holds data for our application we use the var key word
  • declaration: When you declare a variable but don't assign a value. Requires var keyword and a name
var myVariable;
  • assignment: When you assign a value to a variable
myVaraible = 'data';
  • assignment & declaration in one: When declare and assign a variable in the same stmt
var myVariable = 'data';
  • overwriting: when we reassign a value of a variable
var myVariable = 'data';
myVariable = 'new data';
  • Expressing variables as values: So when we assign a variable a value from another variable. ORDER of when things is SUPER important
var myVar1 = 'cool stuff';
var myVar2 = myVar1;
// myVar1 = 'cool stuff'
// myVar2 = 'cool stuff'
myVar1 = 'new stuff'; // myVar1 = 'new stuff';
// myVar2 still equals 'cool stuff'


  • Object: An unordered container of key value pairs, so there is no first & no last item

  • Object instantiation: The act of creating a new object. More specifically creating object form some template, better known as a class.

  • Object properties: Are values that belong to the object, ideally they should describe the object. Object properties can be other objects or arrays or any available data type

var harcourt = {
	age: 26,
	eyes: 'blue',
	hair: {
		color: 'blonde',
		length: 'way to damn long'
	hobbies: ['computers', 'cars', 'tinkering']
  • Object methods: Is a function that belongs to an object. There are 3 ways to define a method for an object, changes the binding of "this"
var fast = {
	make: 'chevrolet',
	model: 'camaro',
	goFast: function () {
		console.log('go real fast!');
	goFaster() {
		// <-- This is the one I recommend
		console.log('go real fast!');
	goFastest: () => {
		console.log('go real fast');
  • Calling object methods: To call a method, we first need to specify which object the method belongs to b/c we can the same method name as long as they are in different objects
// basic calling methods

var harcourt = {
	age: 26,
	gender: 'male',
	actions: {
		yell() {
		whisper() {

// more complicated method calling
  • Changing through method calls: start w/ a string(could be any datatype) then call a method that turns it into an array(could be any datatype), then I call methods that belongs arrays(could be any datatype). ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT DATATYPE IS RETURNED RIGHT BEFORE THE " . "
var str = 'hello, world'; // ['hello', 'world'].push('happy') === ['hello', 'world', 'happy']

str.str // what methods are available at this point? STRING METHODS
	.split(',') // what methods are available at this point? ARRAY METHODS
	//  str = 'hello, world' => str.split(',') => ['hello', 'world'] => ['hello', 'world'].push('happy') === ['hello', 'world', 'happy']

  • Object literal notation: Is the most means of instationiating an object.
var slow = {
	make: 'ford',
	model: 'mustang',
	year: 1994
  • appending to an object: we can use . syntax or we can [] syntax, kinda like arrays, but not exactly
var obj = {}; // assigning the datatype of object to obj
var obj2;

obj.property1 = 'value'; // obj = { property1: 'value' }
obj['property2'] = 7; // obj = { property1: 'value', property2: 7 }
  • assigning a value of a variable name to an object: you're going to want look at the demo
var str = 'hello';
var obj = {};

obj.str = 'things'; // obj = { str: 'things' }; WRONG!
obj[str] = 'things'; // obj = { str: 'things', hello: 'things'}; YAY!
  • Object create method: not super important
var obj = Object.create({ a: 1, b: 2 }); // this is for savages

arrays (build)





conditional stmts (build)


loops (build)


vocabulary definitions






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