An AngularJS directive for an interactive form feedback directive
nff is really easy to implement to your existing or new angularjs application.
step 1: you can download the ng-form-feedback via bower
bower install ng-form-feedback
or download from git repository, located inside /dist folder and then add the file to your index.html
<script src="angular.min.js"></script> <script src="ng-form-feedback.js"></script>
there is also minified version
<script src="ng-form-feedback.min.js"></script>
step 2: inject the module to your app
angular.module("example", ['ngFormFeedback'])
step 3: add nff directives in your form.
nff-min: minimum characters required for the field
<form action=""> <input nff-min="12" type="email"> <input nff-min="6" type="password"> </form>
step 4: That's all. enjoy! :)
You can configure nff settings by injecting 'nffSettings' provider inside
var exampleApp = angular.module("example", ['ngFormFeedback'])
.run(function (nffSettings) {
// configurable options for ng-form-feedback //
// change the phase colors
// accepts hex colors and rgb
nffSettings.phases = {
1: "#FFB74D",
2: "red",
4: "rgb(79, 168, 61)"
// you can also change specific phase
nffSettings.phases[3] = "#76FF03";
// height of the feedback bar
// in pixels
nffSettings.height = 10;
// animation speed during phase changes
// in seconds
nffSettings.speed = 0.3;
// positioning element from top
// in pixels = 10;
Shoot me an email fahim@codexi or tweet @fahimnur_alam.