This simple application should display a form that accepts three fields as input: "Name", "Favorite Color", "Cats or Dog". This form will save the result in a relational database and ensure that "Name" is unique. To achieve this I used Python Flask and MySQL, as well as ansible deploying the entire stack. (infrastructure and application on aws)
- local python-pip, awscli and ansible installation
- inform default vpc (inform vpc_id, subnet_id and az)
- access_key & secret_key (admin)
- inform aws region
- an existing .pem key
- move .pem key to ~/.ssh (ansible default)
- chmod 400 .pem key
- create ~/.boto file
- configure aws credentials
- ansible version 2.8.4 deployed
# Example ~/.boto file
aws_access_key_id = foo
aws_secret_access_key = bar
Example ~/.aws/credentials file
aws_access_key_id = foo
aws_secret_access_key = bar
In order to run the playbook you need to replace some information
.hosts: change ansible_ssh_private_key_file to your ~/.ssh/.pem file change the variable PEM to your ~/.ssh/.pem file change the variable REGION at your choice
infra.yml: in the vars section, update your region, azones_1a, azones_1c, subnets, keypair variables
1. run the command 'ansible-playbook infra.yml -vvvv'
PS: it is possible to have a failing in the security_group_RDS creation, run again the step 1. (probably it is a bug depending on the ansible version)
2. add the two instances public ip in .hosts files under (the terminal will display both of them)
3. some tasks may take several minutes do deploy
1. run the commmand 'ansible-playbook deploy.yml'
1. run the command './'
PS: make sure you have the access_key & secret_key configured on ~/.aws/credentials.