Fabric8 build service is the build service providing a REST API for the build operations on OpenShift.IO
Swagger documentation available here.
There is a easy way to deploy the whole service and all its dependencies on a OpenShift environment, as long you have enough resources and a oc cli cluster access, you can run the script :
and this will deploy the services :
- auth
- env
- current build
with all the configuration needed, The script is not idempotent it will just clean itself on multiple runs,
go (>=1.8), git, make, dep
- If you run
without argument it would print all the useful target to run with a help. make build
will build fabric8-buildmake regenerate
will regenerate the goa generated fieldmake container-run
will start a DB container into dockermake coverage
will run the coverage (need DB)make test-unit
will run all the test units (need DB)make analyze-go-code
will run the golangci static analysis tool, run it before sending your PR to github. The golangci check service will be the one taking care of checking your PR, so it can report nicely on your code if there is any issues.
- You need to make sure your database is populated, you can do it like so :
make migrate-database
This will run all the sql files from migration/sql-files/*
- You need to have a auth server in the variable F8_AUTH_URL, if you were using the openshift/deploy-openshift-dev.sh script you can get the public route and expose it directly like this :
`export F8_AUTH_URL="http://$(oc get route auth -o json|jq -r .spec.host)"`
- You may want to add those debug variables :
export F8_LOG_LEVEL=debug;
export F8_ENABLE_DB_LOGS=1
Just start with
You can use
make dev
to automate this and have it restarted and recompiled when there is a refresh of the code, this is using a forked version of fresh.
- You would need a token you can generate a token from a dev fabric8auth service like this :
export TOKEN=$(curl -s -L ${F8_AUTH_URL}/api/token/generate -H 'content-type: application/json' | jq -r '.[0].token.access_token')
and then use it in your curl command, for example to create a pipeline environment :
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -H 'Content-Type: application/vndpipelineenvironment' -d@/tmp/example.json http://localhost:8080/api/pipelines/environments/$(uuid)
- You can run all unit tests with
make test unit
, by default it will run quietly if you need to increase verbosity for debugging you can do like this
GO_TEST_VERBOSITY_FLAG="-v" F8_LOG_LEVEL="debug" make test-unit
- If you want to run individual unit test you can do like this :
fabric8-build/build $ F8_ENABLE_DB_LOGS=1 F8_POSTGRES_PORT=5433 F8_LOG_LEVEL=1 F8_DEVELOPER_MODE_ENABLED=1 F8_RESOURCE_DATABASE=1 F8_RESOURCE_UNIT_TEST=1 go test -v -run TestEnvironmentController
In this case TestEnvironmentController
is the TestSuite which would run the whole things, make sure you have the other environment variable and adjust if needed (i.e: the POSTGRES PORT
Fabric8-build-team [email protected]