This is intended to be a set of tools for performing linear weighted multi- criteria analysis on rasters describing different features of a given geographical area.
1. Currently requires ArcGIS 10.0 and arcpy with a valid license for the Spatial Analyst extensions. Sadly this means the script will only run on Windows. A future version might be able to remove this dependency on ArcGIS.
2. arcpy is available in your PYTHONPATH. To verify, open a python shell and type the following command:
import arcpy
If this executes without error then you're in the clear. If not, ensure that PATH and PYTHONPATH are set correctly. This ESRI help page might be of assistance:
This script assumes you have a number of fuzzified raster files covering the same geographic extent, with the same spatial reference system and projection. These should have been normalised to a scale with values between 0 and 1, based on whatever fuzzy membership function you choose (most likely a monotonic, trapezoidal, triangular or gaussian function). At present we do not provide a script for generating these fuzzified rasters, although that would have been awesome.
The script itself enables a linear weighted multi-criteria analysis to be performed on the resulting fuzzified raster files.
To use it:
- Copy raster files into position
In this version the raster files must be in the same directory as the script (possibly not a very good assumption).
- Configure source raster files
Open This defines a list called SOURCE_FILES. Each element in the list is a dictionary representing one fuzzified raster file, and having the following members (i.e. key/value pairs):
- name: an arbitrary name
- file_name: name of the raster file on your file system
- overlay: name of the fuzzy overlay method to be used. Currently supports 'SUM' and 'AND'. Possibly others too, but they are untested.
- invert: a flag indicating whether the fuzzified raster should be inverted prior to processing. This is useful in cases where ideal values are 0 rather than 1.
For example:
SOURCE_FILES = [ {'name': 'fauna', 'file_name': 'fuz_fauna2', 'overlay': 'SUM', 'invert': False}, {'name': 'flora', 'file_name': 'fuz_flora2', 'overlay': 'SUM', 'invert': False}, {'name': 'slope', 'file_name': 'fuz_slopeper', 'overlay': 'SUM', 'invert': False}, {'name': 'fire', 'file_name': 'fuz_fire1', 'overlay': 'SUM', 'invert': True}, {'name': 'ftrail', 'file_name': 'fuz_firetrail', 'overlay': 'SUM', 'invert': False}, {'name': 'erosion', 'file_name': 'fuz_erosion1', 'overlay': 'SUM', 'invert': True}, {'name': 'mangroves', 'file_name': 'fuz_mangr2', 'overlay': 'AND', 'invert': False}, {'name': 'creeks', 'file_name': 'fuz_creek4', 'overlay': 'AND', 'invert': False}, ]
- Configure scenarios
A scenario defines a set of subjective preferences for the values described in each raster file. These preferences are encapsulated in a list called SCENARIOS. This list contains one or more dictionaries, each of which must contain this member:
- name: an arbitrary name for the scenario
After that, each dictionary in SCENARIOS must have one member for each of the source rasters described in SOURCE_FILES. These data members are key/value pairs and must be of the following form:
- key: must match the name of a source file defined in SOURCE_FILES
- value: a weighting value between 0 and 1
Ideally all weighting values in a scenario should add up to 1, although this is not enforced in the script.
For example:
SCENARIOS = [{ 'name': 'conserv', 'fauna': 0.3, 'flora': 0.3, 'mangroves': 0.3, 'creeks': 0.02, 'slope': 0, 'fire': 0.04, 'ftrail': 0.02, 'erosion': 0.02 }, { 'name': 'min_cost', 'fauna': 0.01, 'flora': 0.01, 'mangroves': 0.03, 'creeks': 0.1, 'slope': 0.3, 'fire': 0.1, 'ftrail': 0.25, 'erosion': 0.2 }]
- Execute script
To start the process just run the following command:
Or on systems with PATH and PYTHONPATH correctly configured, you can instead just double-click on the file from Windows Explorer.
One output raster will be calculated for each scenario, based on the preferences you defined. They will be found in the output/ directory (which is a subfolder of the directory containing
- Re-running the script does not attempt to re-generate output rasters if an output file for a given scenario already exists. If you want to rerun the script with different values you must first delete or move the relevant output file(s).
- Make input and output paths configurable, or pass them in via command line options.
- Properly handle fuzzy overlay methods other than 'SUM'. At present the script only works when 'AND' sources files are listed after the 'SUM' files.
- Optimise the fuzzy overlay step. sa.FuzzyOverlay() allows an arbitrary number of rasters to be passed in at once. We should make use of that.
- Write a script to generate (fuzzify) the source rasters.
- Handle different geographic extents, spatial references and/or projections.
- Automatically identify positions or areas with the highest overall score across multiple scenarios.
- Need to write some unit tests. Of course.
- Rework this to use open source tools rather than relying on proprietary ESRI software. Ideally before my student evaluation of ArcGIS expires.