What does it mean to be a draft pick? A draft is a process used in some countries and sports to allocate certain players to teams. In a draft, teams take turns selecting from a pool of eligible players. When a team selects a player, the team receives exclusive rights to sign that player to a contract, and no other team in the league may sign the player.
├── .editorconfig # Configures editor rules
├── .gitignore # Tells git which files to ignore
├── .istanbul.yml # Configure istanbul code coverage
├── .npmrc # Configures npm to save exact by default
├── README.md # This file.
├── dist # Folder where the build script places the built app.
├── package.json # Package configuration. The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities
├── src # Source code
│ ├── actions # Flux/Redux actions. List of distinct actions that can occur in the app.
│ ├── constants # Application constants including constants for Redux
│ ├── factories # factories pattern (just tiny alerts factoria, but planning to extend)
│ ├── helpers # All the bits and pieces that don't fit into other folders but don't justify having a folder of their own.
│ ├── images # Images :)
│ ├── js # Vanilla JS which is used by App
│ ├── pages # Fractal structure. Root level components, ones which are directly mounted on level 1 routes.
│ ├───── components # Contains shared React components that can be used anywhere in the application.
│ ├───── ~ # Components and their nested components. All components are CamelCased. The sub components of Component.js are present in a folder called component. All components required by a page go to it’s node folder.
│ ├── reducers # Redux reducers. Your state is altered here based on actions
│ ├── services # Handles all http communication with backend apis for the application, can also have methods that don't wrap http calls.
│ ├── styles # CSS Styles
│ ├───── fonts # Fonts
│ ├── favicon.ico # favicon to keep your browser from throwing a 404 during dev. Not actually used in prod build.
│ ├── index.ejs # Template for homepage
│ ├── index.js # Entry point for your app
│ ├── store.js # Redux store configuration
├── tools # Node scripts that run build related tools
│ └── analyzeBundle.js # Analyzes the webpack bundle
│ ├── assetsTransformer.js # Fix for jest handling static assets like imported images
│ ├── build.js # Runs the production build
│ ├── chalkConfig.js # Centralized configuration for chalk (adds color to console statements)
│ ├── distServer.js # Starts webserver and opens final built app that's in dist in your default browser
│ ├── nodeVersionCheck.js # Confirm supported Node version is installed
│ ├── removeDemo.js # Remove demo app
│ ├── srcServer.js # Starts dev webserver with hot reloading and opens your app in your default browser
│ ├── startMessage.js # Display message when development build starts
│ ├── testCi.js # Configure Jest to run on a CI server
├── webpack.config.dev.js # Configures webpack for development builds
└── webpack.config.prod.js # Configures webpack for production builds