A simple (cron) script to update DynHost on OVH hosting Fork of: https://github.com/yjajkiew/dynhost-ovh Link: https://yann.me/dynhost-ovh-pour-raspberry-pi-ou-une-machine-linux/
This script works with two linux commands : curl & host
- Download the dynhost.sh script and put it in the folder /etc/cron.hourly (to check every hour)
- Add execution permissions to file : chmod +x dynhost.sh
- Modify the script with variables : HOST, LOGIN, PASSWORD
- The command host is used to retrieve the IP address of your domain name.
- The command curl (with the website ifconfig.co) is used to retrieve the current public IP address of your machine.
- The two IPs are compared and if necessary a curl command to OVH is used to update your DynHost with your current public IP address.