Exploring the usage of Stop and Wait, Give Back N and Selective Repeat Protocols This code has been adapted from https://github.com/z9z/reliable_data_transfer (author Susanna Edens), where you could find the implementation of a simple stop-and-wait (RDT 3.0 in the A Top-Down Approach) protocol and the implementation of a Go-Back-N (GBN) protocol
Open the project directory on terminal and type in the following on two separate terminals:
python demo_receiver.py [ss | sr | gbn]
python demo_sender.py ss [ss | sr | gbn]
- ss refers to stop and wait protocol
- sr refers to selective repeat protocol
- gbn refers to go back n protocol
The following algorithm has been implemented from the textbook:
- Data received from above. When data is received from above, the SR sender checks the next available sequence number for the packet. If the sequence number is within the sender’s window, the data is packetized and sent; otherwise it is either buffered or returned to the upper layer for later transmission, as in GBN.
def send(self, msg):
self.is_receiver = False
if self.next_sequence_number < (self.sender_base + config.WINDOW_SIZE):
return True
util.log("Window is full. App data rejected.")
return False
# Helper fn for thread to send the next packet
def _send_helper(self, msg):
# Sequence number will only fall within 0...WINDOW_SIZE
# Make the packet and send the data
packet = util.make_packet(msg, config.MSG_TYPE_DATA, self.next_sequence_number)
util.log("Sending data for packet #"+str(self.next_sequence_number))
# Start the appropirate timer and assign the value in the appropriate window index
self.timer[self.next_sequence_number] = self.set_timer(self.next_sequence_number)
self.window[self.next_sequence_number] = packet
# Increment the sequence number
self.next_sequence_number += 1
- Timeout. Timers are again used to protect against lost packets. However, each packet must now have its own logical timer, since only a single packet will be transmitted on timeout. A single hardware timer can be used to mimic the operation of multiple logical timers.
def _timeout(self, seq_num):
util.log(f"Timeout for packet #{seq_num}. Resending packet...")
# If the timer is still running. You do not need to join this with the parent thread
if self.timer[seq_num] and self.timer[seq_num].is_alive():
except (RuntimeError):
# Only carry out the following, if the timer at that index has properly finished.
if self.timer[seq_num].finished:
# create new thread timer here
self.timer[seq_num] = self.set_timer(seq_num)
# Retrieve the packet data from the window and send it into the network layer
packet = self.window[seq_num]
util.log("Retransmitted packet #"+str(seq_num))
# Start the time once sent
# If sequence number is not found
self.timer[seq_num] = self.set_timer(seq_num)
# Retreive packet data from the window and send it into the network layer
packet = self.window[seq_num]
util.log("Retransmitted packet #"+str(seq_num))
# Start the time once sent
- ACK received. If an ACK is received, the SR sender marks that packet as having been received, provided it is in the window. If the packet’s sequence number is equal to send_base, the window base is moved forward to the unacknowledged packet with the smallest sequence number. If the window moves and there are untransmitted packets with sequence numbers that now fall within the window, these packets are transmitted.
def handle_arrival_msg(self):
msg = self.network_layer.recv()
msg_data = util.extract_data(msg)
# If ACK message, assume its for sender
if msg_data.msg_type == config.MSG_TYPE_ACK:
util.log("ACK recieved for packet #"+str(msg_data.seq_num))
# If the timer is running in the respective timer index, then stop it, and also 'join' the thread with the parent process
if self.timer[msg_data.seq_num] and self.timer[msg_data.seq_num].is_alive():
except (RuntimeError):
if self.timer[msg_data.seq_num].finished:
util.log("Sequence number "+str(msg_data.seq_num)+" has been terminated.")
# Reset that index in the window to free up space.
# You may also choose to delete it completely. But for logging purposes, we will retain this information.
self.window[msg_data.seq_num] = b''
# If the sender base is at the same position as the sequence number, you may update the sender
# base to the position of the earliest unack-ed packet
if msg_data.seq_num == self.sender_base:
# Move the base as long as timer is not a NONE object and the timer for that index is finished
i = self.sender_base
while self.timer[i] and not self.timer[i].is_alive():
# You may delete the timer at index i. But we will retain the information for logging purposes.
self.timer[i] = None
self.sender_base += 1
i += 1
if i not in self.timer:
util.log("The base has now been moved to: "+str(self.sender_base))
util.log("State of window now: "+ str(self.window))
- Packet with sequence number in [rcv_base, rcv_base+N-1]is correctly received. In this case, the received packet falls within the receiver’s window and a selective ACK packet is returned to the sender. If the packet was not previously received, it is buffered. If this packet has a sequence number equal to the base of the receive window, then this packet, and any previously buffered and consecutively numbered (beginning with rcv_base) packets are delivered to the upper layer. The receive window is then moved forward by the number of packets delivered to the upper layer.
# This method also falls within the function: handle_arrival_msg()
# If DATA message, assume its for receiver
assert msg_data.msg_type == config.MSG_TYPE_DATA
# self.sender_lock.acquire()
util.log("Received packet #"+ str(msg_data.seq_num))
# Case 1: If the seq number falls within the window
if msg_data.seq_num >= self.receiever_base and msg_data.seq_num < self.receiever_base + config.WINDOW_SIZE:
# Make ACK packet and send it
ack_pkt = util.make_packet(b'', config.MSG_TYPE_ACK, msg_data.seq_num)
util.log("Sent ACK: " + util.pkt_to_string(util.extract_data(ack_pkt)))
# Store the paacket in the buffer
self.receive_buffer[msg_data.seq_num] = msg_data.payload
# If the seq_num is at the receiver base, then send all the packets upto the first unsent packet.
# (The first unsent packet will not be present in the dict , which is when we break)
if msg_data.seq_num == self.receiever_base:
i = self.receiever_base
while self.receive_buffer[i]:
util.log("Sent packet #"+str(i)+" to application layer")
i += 1
self.receiever_base += 1
if i not in self.receive_buffer:
- Packet with sequence number in [rcv_base-N, rcv_base-1]is correctly received. In this case, an ACK must be generated, even though this is a packet that the receiver has previously acknowledged.
- Otherwise. Ignore the packet.
# Case 2: If the seq number is less than the receiver base
elif msg_data.seq_num < self.receiever_base:
# Make ACK packet and send it
ack_pkt = util.make_packet(b'', config.MSG_TYPE_ACK, msg_data.seq_num)
util.log("Sent ACK: " + util.pkt_to_string(util.extract_data(ack_pkt)))
# Case 3: If the seq number is greater than the window