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Data Lab Dev Ops Procedures

Dylan Peinhardt edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 1 revision

Data Lab Dev Ops Procedures


  • product branches - An isolated branch to mature product development until it's ready to be integrated into the shared development environment. Branched off of dev.
    • Naming convention - ProductWorkingTitle_dev
  • dev - code that has passed the pull-request and review process, and is ready for acceptance testing.
  • master - production, the live website repository

Branch Details

Product Branches:

  • Product branches should always be created from the dev branch and should only be merged back into the dev branch.
  • They should be created any time a new product is going to be worked on for an upcoming release.
  • Product branches should be created by the developers that will be working on that product. It is important to keep in mind that any code that gets merged into the dev branch is being committed to be included in the next release.
  • Scripts within a product branch will be linted using the linting resource determined for your specific tool (js, R, python).
  • Scripts in product branches will be linted before pulling to dev.
  • Scripts in dev will be checked again before pulling to master.
  • If there is unfinished work in a product branch, the branch should not be merged into dev until it is sure to be included in the current release.
  • When a product is completed and is ready to be integrated with the dev branch, a pull request should be created which will allow a reviewer to approve the merge.

Dev Branch:

  • The dev branch is a working copy of the master branch that is used for new product testing or legacy product update testing before pulling to production.
  • Product branch pulls to dev will only be approved for products that are scheduled for white glove testing and are pending release to production.

Master Branch:

  • The master branch (production) is the live repository the live website is built from, any products within this branch are public.
  • Pulls to the master branch will be made only after products in dev have received a white glove review and release is authorized by the appropriate product owner.

Version Control

For more information on version control, the version control tools available and best practices please visit the link below:

Git tutorial link