A simple and lightweight Neovim plugin that brings syntax highlighting to generic log patterns and provides straight-forward configuration to manage the filetype detection rules over your preferred log files.
Use your favorite plugin manager to download and configure the plugin:
config = function()
require('log-highlight').setup {}
use {
config = function()
require('log-highlight').setup {}
Plug 'fei6409/log-highlight.nvim'
Don't forget to add syntax on
in your .vimrc
, init.vim
or init.lua
allow syntax highlighting to work.
This plugin makes use of Neovim's built-in filetype detection mechanism.
By default, log
filetype will apply to files with log
extension (e.g.
, my_log
etc.) after setting up.
You can customize the filetype detection patterns like below:
require('log-highlight').setup {
-- The following options support either a string or a table of strings.
-- The file extensions.
extension = 'log',
-- The file names or the full file paths.
filename = {
-- The file path glob patterns, e.g. `.*%.lg`, `/var/log/.*`.
-- Note: `%.` is to match a literal dot (`.`) in a pattern in Lua, but most
-- of the time `.` and `%.` here make no observable difference.
pattern = {
By default, log
filetype will apply to files if the name matches *.log
To allow more customized patterns, add auto commands in your .vimrc
like below.
" Example:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /var/log/* set filetype=log
- v0.0.1: Initial release
- v0.0.2: More supports for HDL
- v1.0.0: Minor cleanup and official (?) release
- v1.0.1: Support lowercase and spdlog-style log levels
Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.
Please also consider attaching a snippet of the log patterns when doing so.
If you're sending pull requests, please also consider adding the new log samples
in samples/
- For atomic patterns or smaller pieces, add them to
. - For longer snippets of real-world logs, create a new log file.
That would be helpful for me to examine if new changes break any existing syntax highlighting.