A repo containing the wireless sensor network topologies from a study.
Each problem instance is represented by a distance file that allows for the plotting of the topology, and a dot file that outlines the links with their node-to-node reliabilities according to the Rayleigh interference model.
Each network distributes the sensors uniformly at random in a circle around a center point.
The networks are encoded as exemplified in "1_n200_l0.5_r100_s4_wsn.dot":
- scenario id 1 for a network of size 200 ("1_n200")
- the radius of the network is 100 ("r_100")
- half of the nodes are located in the inner circle of radius 0.5 of the radius ("l_0.5")
- 4 sinks according to "s4" (optional, otherwise 1 sink assumed in the center, if missing)
The amount of channels for scheduling to be utilized can be decided individually of the outlined topology.