Subscriptify is a website designed to track and send notifications for subscription renewals
- User Authentication: Seamlessly integrated with Devise for secure and adaptable user authentication mechanisms.
- Responsive Design: Utilizing Bootstrap ~5.2 for a modern and responsive user interface.
- Form Management: Enhanced with Simple Form for streamlined and efficient form handling.
- Iconography & Typography: Leveraging Font Awesome for comprehensive iconography and typography options.
- Data Visualization: Employs Chartkick and Groupdate for real-time, dynamic charts and efficient data grouping.
- Email Operations: With the Resend gem for streamlined email processing.
- Report Generation: Utilizing Caxlsx and Caxlsx_rails for Excel reports, and Wicked PDF for PDF generation.
- Background Job Processing: Powered by Sidekiq for efficient background job management.
Before you begin, ensure you have installed:
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Node.js and Yarn (for Webpacker dependencies)
- Redis (required for Sidekiq)
Clone the Repository git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory cd subscriptify
Install Dependencies First, install the Ruby gems specified in the Gemfile: bundle install
Setup the Database Create and migrate the database: rails db:create db:migrate
Start the Rails Server Start the Rails application: rails server
Launch Sidekiq in a New Terminal For background processing, start Sidekiq in a new terminal window: sidekiq
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application. Use the provided routes for user authentication, data visualization, report generation, and more.