A java implement of Biterm Topic Model. The origin BTM is in here: https://github.com/xiaohuiyan/BTM Usage:
java BTM [data_path] [topic_num] [alpha] [beta] [iter_num] [instance_num]
[data_path] string, path of training docs
[topic_num] int, number of topics
[alpha] double, Symmetric Dirichlet prior of P(z)
[beta] double, Symmetric Dirichlet prior of P(w|z)
[iter_num] int, number of iterations of Gibbs sampling
[instance_num] int, number of times to run this program
java BTM sample-data/sample-data.txt 100 0.1 0.01 2000 1
'model-final.theta' Doc*Topic matrix
'model-final.phi' Topic*Word matrix
'model-final.twords' top 20 words of each topics
'model-final.wordmap' word dictionary