This repo is intended to provide some basic project setup and to provide examples to common problems.
Using analyzers build in .NET 5 and StyleCop.Analyzers nuget.
Ruleset is located in SolutionRoot/CodeAnalysis.ruleset.
And there is a Directory.Build.props also in Solution root directory which sets
and <TreatWarningsAsErrors>true</TreatWarningsAsErrors>
I find it more readable to have the HTML template and code separated. So all components use code behind.
- code behind class needs to be partial
- to replace
on property
There is Internationalization tab which allows you to change culture. The tab's content is translated (only this tab is translated) and it displays current culture and time formatted according to current culture.
When the culture is changed it's stored in local storage under BlazorCulture key and the page reloads.
During startup the culture is read from local storage and sets DefaultThreadCurrentCulture
and DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture
Blazored.LocalStorage is used to access local storage.
Localization is supported by IStringLocalizer
from Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.
The resources are in resx files under Resources folder.
Blazor supports DI. The registration is handled in DependencyInjectionServiceCollectionExtensions
Non component classes (InternationalizationService
) can use constructor injections but all comoponent classes has to use property injection with [Inject]
The access modifier on the property doesnt matter (can be private).
There are some features WebAssembly does not support (popups, web storage, ...). So there definitely cases where you need to use javascript. In those case I would recommend looking for some already existing wrapper - there is one even in this project (Blazored.LocalStorage).
In case you need to use javascript interop there is a Javascript interop tab with an example.
To use js interop in a component inject IJSRuntime
and use it to load your js script using JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import", "./scripts/TypescriptInterop.js")
The resulting IJSObjectReference
allows you to call javascript.
To use Typescript instead of javascript install Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild replace your script with typescript version.
During build it gets compiled to javascript which you can reference in JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import", "./scripts/TypescriptInterop.js")
To use css isolation create {ComponentName}.razor.css and define you styles there. The styles are bundled together during build to {ProjectName}.styles.css. To provide isolation they are rewritten to target specific attribute which is unique per component.
There is also an option to let styles be inherited by children component. To achieve that selectors are prefixed with ::deep
There is a Css isolation tab with an example and bot NavMenu
and MainLayout
contains scoped css.
Replacing css with sass is realy easy. There is a LibSassBuilder nuget package which compiles sass to css during build. So all that needs to be done is instal the nuget and replace css files with scss.
TODO: use better logging provider
There is builtin support for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
with logger which logs to browser's console.
Configuration is done through wwwroot\appsettings.json
To use it just inject ILogger.
TODO: testing
TODO: unhandled exceptions
TODO: unit & integration test runners
TODO: configuration - environments
TODO: HTTP client wrapper + error handling
TODO: editor config
TODO: Data tables